Virile Errol’s Royal Pain in the Ass

Mystery Solved!

Who Brushwhacked The Baron-to-Be in Manhattan? Madame Natalie Paley LeLong,that’s who!

Here is Man Ray’s photographic portrait of Errol Flynn’s notorious “Princess Naomi Tiarovitch”, who, to my knowledge, has never been identified before in any document or forum. In fact, she is specifically never identified by her true name in any work I have seen regarding Flynn, including, of course, not in My Wicked, Wicked Ways. Using the “Errol Code” I have confirmed that she twice travelled on the same ship from Europe to New York with virile Errol*. The first time she was carrying with her a rather infamous hair brush. She was on a separate SS Paris passenger list than Errol, and she did not identify herself as Russian, nor as a princess – but she was indeed both. Mr. Flynn was telling the truth – in Errol Code!

This 1934 photographic rendering by Man Ray was published the same year Errol got the “brush off” from notorious Natalie:

Paley by Man Ray

And here’s a lovely portrait of her hanging in the Museum of Modern Art:


A website devoted to her life & career:…

With her Royal Family, Natalie (aka Natalia) standing next to also prominent older sister Irina (aka Irene):

The Royal Family

* Under different names and biographical descriptions.

— Tim

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