Monthly Archives: February 2010

Truth or Not?

     Dear Errol fans,               I hope I have not been 'stirring the pot' too much, but I learned long ago that in the case of Errol Flynn, you just cannot trust what the media says. There have been rumors and legends and wild stories that after a time, were just took as truth where they very much were not.… (more…)

Pinning down the fickle Flynn!

Who? Me?  I am innocent, entirely innocent I am!                                    Some light Sunday reading for Errol's fans!  “Reading Eagle – September 17, 1950”…… — Tina

Patrice in 1960 and fairly current

Second picture of Patrice attending premiere of remake of 1960 Ocean's Eleven. — Kathleen

Does anyone know about a relationship . . .

Errol had with Diana Dill? — Kathleen

The Last Sad Rites of Errol Flynn by John

Hi John – I hope you do not mind me clarifying this issue!This here should explain that Patrice, Sean, Deidre and Rory were at the funeral.  Nora, Lili and Beverly were absent, but Beverly sent one red rose with a note saying “I'll always love you”!Here are the articles for your information! — Tina

Errol's estate in probate for 14 years?

I am sorry to be so bold and ask the much more informed body of this membership a few questions, which are of great interests to me.  It puzzles me very much as to why Errol's estate was for 14 years in probate, does anybody know the real reason?  14 years is a very long time!  There was a will… (more…)

A New Errol, Patrice photo

         Dear Errol Fans,                      I came upon this photo and have never seen it published before. It shows a tanned, and even sunburned loving couple enjoying life to it's fullest. It 's a shame we cannot save these moments forever. I think it is is a testament to lovers everywhere. And by the way, I think Errol was the… (more…)

Errol Flynn Country Pt. I

     Dear Errol Fans,                I have decided to let you in on some of my cherished Port Antonio photos and will post them from time to time to show you readers just how beautiful the area is, and maybe share a part of the world that Errol and I have fallen in love with. Now don't get me wrong, I am… (more…)

Rafting down the Rio Grande

Dear Errol Fans,      I thought I would tell you-all a nice story about a rafting trip myself and my wife Debbie took down the much heralded Rio Grande river in Jamaica. After all, there seems to be lots of pomp, history and romance connected with this excursion, never mind the 'Errol' aspect of it all.      I want to set a few things straight before… (more…)

For Patti – Finally

Why we freed Errol Flynn by Members of the Jury

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