Errol's estate in probate for 14 years?

I am sorry to be so bold and ask the much more informed body of this membership a few questions, which are of great interests to me.  It puzzles me very much as to why Errol's estate was for 14 years in probate, does anybody know the real reason?  14 years is a very long time!  There was a will and Patrice received the estate, there was Nora who contested the will, there was Beverly who contested the will, but all this could have not taken 14 years, there must have been other issues – what were the issues?
Why did the sale of the ZACA did not go through as arranged in Vancouver?  I thought the papers were signed?  Has anybody conclusive and

irrefutable information about this situation as to why and how this long probate could have ever happend?  In an interview Patrice says the ZACA was taken away from her.  How – if it was under probate?  All this is another great mystery in Errol's aftermath!  We are told Patrice had no money, but how does this come into the picture?  Once there are assets, there are no questions about money, because the money is in the assets!  I think Errol was shafted and mislead all his life by somebody or another!  It is horrible to think, but I am coming somehow to the conclusion he never had an honest person around him?  I can believe that he was very naive in many ways and things, but nobody is that naive!  Your valued insight would be very much appreciated!

— Tina

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