Monthly Archives: December 2018

Hi-Tailing It to Texas

Fleeing Hollywood for the Mexican border December 29, 1939 SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE Jimmie Fidler Errol Flynn will vacation on Big Boy Williams’ paternal ranch near Del Rio, Texas. “Del Rio – The Friendliest Little Border Town in Texas – An Oasis in the Desert”…… “Travelers have long been drawn to this oasis on the Rio Grande. The American Indians… (more…)

On the second day of Christmas …

DECEMBER 26, 1939 SIDNEY SKOLSKY PRESENTS Errol Flynn and Guinn Williams sent Orson Welles a Christmas gift – a ham with a beard on it. — Tim

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood!

Was The Adventures of Robin Hood a Christmas movie? Read this and tune in Christmas on Sky to see!… “A film does not have to have to take place at Christmas to qualify as a Christmas film. It takes something more. And to this list I would add The Adventures Of Robin Hood (1938), starring Errol Flynn, the template… (more…)

A Gift of a Christmas Quiz

In what major motion picture did Errol not kiss, chase, or flirt with a leading lady or any other woman? Clues: Included one of Errol’s greatest co-stars, as well as one of his greatest friends, too. Released for the Christmas season. The Baron vs. The Baron Set in France ——- Images below added Christmas Eve morning (at dawn): On the… (more…)

Dear Prudence

Dear Prudence, A “more skillful swordsman” than Errol? I think not. Though you sure we’re one talented and rediantly-beautiful swashbucklerette, in both B&W and Technicolor. “Against All Flags, 1952. This was one of the last Hollywood swashbucklers starring Errol Flynn. Maureen O’Hara proves his equal with her swordplay as Prudence “Spitfire” Stevens. In fact, O’Hara swore she was the more… (more…)

Doggone, Arno’s Gone!

December 22, 1939 ERROL FLYNN’S DOG IS TAKEN BY KIDNAPPER Police and humane society officers, as well as Tailwagger Foundation officials, today we’re investigating the latest case of “dognapping” in Hollywood. Latest victim of the racket that has spread on so widely is Arno, a German Schnauzer belonging to Errol Flynn, film star. Arno was lured into a black sedan… (more…)

Gary Anderson It,s a wonderful life.…… Not a lot about Errol but a real good read about yester year to today’s films. Genene — tassie devil

Hit Him Like You Hit Roark

Eighty Years Ago Third Week of December, 1938 LOS ANGELES EXAMINER By Erskine Johnson Headlines that told of a short but terrific fight between Errol Flynn and Aiden Roark, polo player and studio executive, are scarcely dry when Flynn returns to work on his new picture, Dodge City. And oddly enough, his first scene requires him to leap out of… (more…)

MGM’s Eye Out for Flynn

Third Week of December, 1934 Los Angeles Examiner Cover Hollywood The MGMers should be happy to know that Errol Flynn, whom they have talent scouts looking for in England and Australia, to say nothing of New Zealand, is right here in the Hollywood’s at the moment. Because they saw him in an English version of Mutiny on the Bounty, they… (more…)

No Pink Tea was This Battle

Eighty Years Ago Excerpts and Summaries of News Reports from Around the Globe … An eyewitness to the brawl between Errol Flynn and Aiden Roark says that Roark called Flynn a North Ireland so-and-so. No pink tea was this latest battle, eyewitnesses said. No fists this time swished through the air past their intended target. This one, ringsiders aver, was… (more…)