Monthly Archives: September 2011

We Welcome New Author Volker Knies to The Errol Flynn Blog!

We are pleased to announce that Volker Knies has become our newest Author on The Errol Flynn Blog! Volker, we look forward to your posts very much! Sirocco, circa 1929 — David DeWitt

Incident between Errol and Johnny Weissmuller?

In addition to being a big Flynn fan, I'm also a fan of Johnny Weissmuller. Now I know Errol and …

Calling all Errol fans on this blog! Every single one of you! Duty calls!

This is a follow up to the tassie devil  post!Here is the website to vote for a name – no – for THEEE NAME of this new hybrid tulip flower of Tasmania! What would be the most fitting name for this new hybrid bright red tulip of Tasmania! Now blood is red – right! Therefore the name has to be… (more…)

A Tasmanian tulip needs a name

There is a tulip producer here in Tasmania that has produced a new variety of tulip that is a bright red and is one of the first to bloom in the season. However it has not been named as yet and we have sent in some names including Captain Blood for their consideration. I will actually be at this farm… (more…)

Raised by the Stars by Nick Thomas poses a Quiz Question!

Please check out the article in the Promo Section! Nick asks a Quiz Question… can you figure it out? — David DeWitt

Raised by Stars New Book by Nick Thomas – Great Reading!

                                                                                  •  Available Now from McFarland  •   From the Website: Fans of movies from the Golden Era of film will enjoy this collection of new interviews with the children of Hollywood legends. Each child talks about the joys and difficulties of growing up in the shadow of the Hollywood spotlight. While some were significantly influenced by their famous parents and… (more…)

King Solomon's Mines

I just saw “King Solomon's Mines” on TCM and it is a great movie! Throughout the movie I visualized Errol playing the part! He would have been great in it, as a matter of facts he would have been excellent! How in heavens name could he have missed this great opportunity to a fabulous reenactment of himself? Who advised him?… (more…)

Bes Mudi, Errol’s Mascot on the Zaca

This is what I found on Bes Mudi, Errol’s cat and Zaca Mascot….. Errol was such an animal lover. Bes Mudi was the first cat that I knew of that he had. Here is the…… — Mary Ann

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