Category Archives: France

Black Flynnday

Dear Flynnmates, this is the original  farewell article of PARIS MATCH about our Hollywood heroe‘s untimely demise. It shows a pensive Flynn, who may very well have felt the night coming on. The in the headline suggested cause of death: too much heart(beat)… Adieu, — shangheinz

Mon Film – Robin de Bois: February 25, 1948

Mon Film was the leading “film photonovel” publication in France in the decades before and after World War II. (It was “on hiatus” during the war.) This issue was published on February 25, 1948, seventy-two years ago today. Thank you to our great EFB Flynnmate and Author Tina (aka Baribel), for originally publishing this cover and information regarding it, nine… (more…)

Errol French Movie Description Covers

[flagallery gid=14 name=Gallery]   I suggest this extra gallery as they contain the contents of the films and differ from the other mags. — Inga

Errol Magazine Covers (France)

[flagallery gid=11 name=Gallery] — Inga