Monthly Archives: November 2009

We Welcome New Author Bariebel – Tina Nyary, to The Errol Flynn Blog!

I am very pleased to announce that Tina Nyary, known as Bariebel on You Tube – has joined our blog as our Newest Author! We look forward to your contributions to the discussion, Tina! Welcome aboard!     — David DeWitt

Steve Hayes new novels on!

Go check out Steve Hayes' new novels on……! And be sure to read Tom McNulty's review of Viva Gringo! on the…… website… — David DeWitt

Bariebel – on You Tube with her Errol Flynn Videos!

You must check out Bariebel's (Tina Nyary's) You Tube videos about Errol Flynn! Great Stuff! Now, gitcha going, chums…   — David DeWitt

Trail of the Burned Man, by Thomas McNulty – A Review!

 Check out this first review of Thomas McNulty's western novel Trail of the Burned Man at the WesternFictionReview blog… The new novel from Robert Hale Publishers will be available November 30, 2009! You can purchase the book in advance directly from the publisher: ADD TO CART  — David DeWitt

Errol Flynn Scans

Heya Firstly, I apologise for not posting before, i have been busy with starting sixthform college and keeping my youtube channel, Cader1dris, going. This summer i found a couple of articles on Errol. One i found in my Grandma's 'Saga' magazine which has a fantastic photo of Errol. Another was from 'TV Times' about the new actor CLIVE STANDEN, which… (more…)

Have you used the Search Feature lately?

Hallo, Chums! There is a handy little feature on the blog that you can use to find out if we have information about something you are interested in – it's the Search Feature! Located on the left hand side of the Main Page, under Logout – you can use the search bar to input keywords for subjects you are looking for…… (more…)

Errol Flynn centennial ball a success

HI guy's found this article . Thought it would be of interest. Genene. Errol Flynn centennial ball a success Published: Tuesday | November 17, 2009 Gareth Davis Sr, Gleaner Writer Errol Flynn The inaugural Errol Flynn centennial ball, which attracted dignitaries, along with business interests from across the island – partying all night to jazz music from Sonny Bradshaw's Big… (more…)

Taking a Guess on EF's Crusader

Being a fan of Errol Flynn has been so much fun this last year.  I mean I've always been a fan but now I am reading all the books there are, finding sheet music and magazines.  I just visited his grave (will write more later on that experience), but what I want to say now is:  when I was surfing… (more…)

What a Surprise!

Just viewed a clip of the game show The Big Surprise.  I had no idea that Mike Wallace would be the emcee.  Errol was fun to watch.  He was witty and handsome as ever.  And, he got all of the answers and won $30,000.  Does anyone know if there is a clip available of his return visit for $100,000? —… (more…)

Olivia and Me! Rory Flynn…

I traveled to Paris in Sept., and had the great privilege of  meeting Ms. Olivia de Haviland, who welcomed me into her beautiful  home with champagne and treats. I brought my dear friend Cooky, my brothers girlfriend, who is like my sister and who knows my family so well. We talked about my Dad. I told her stories and she told me stories.… (more…)