Olivia and Me! Rory Flynn…

I traveled to Paris in Sept., and had the great privilege of 
meeting Ms. Olivia de Haviland, who welcomed me into her beautiful  home with champagne and treats. I brought my dear friend Cooky, my brothers girlfriend, who is like my sister and who knows my family so well. We talked about my Dad. I told her stories and she told me stories. Mine were a little more personal for she was very curious as to the years I spent growing up with my Dad.

She did tell me that my father was still an enigma to her. That she had never been able to figure him out.Her presence was complete, her attention very directed, and her humor and high spirits was nothing less than an inspiration to me. How happy and welcoming she was to meet us. We had been corresponding for years and and I thought I may never get this chance, as time does fly by, and we are all so busy. She had just completed a video where she spoke about “Gone With the Wind” to commemorate the 50 years since it was made. She is very busy with her fan mail and other occasions that she is asked to attend.

I left with such a great feeling, to have been able to talk about my Dad with all the love I have for him and find it reciprocated by such a lovely woman who is full of compassion and devotion to his memory.

Cheers, Rory

— Rory Flynn

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