Visited Yuma today, where, in June of ’35, Errol & Tiger Lil (in)famously entered into (Un)Holy Matrimony.* Here’s how EF recounted the event:
Below are links to the history of how Yuma came to become known as “Where the Stars Marry” and why the Justice of the Peace who married EF & LD – Earl A. Freeman – earned the title of “The Marry-ing Judge” – as did his successor Justice of the Peace Lutes, whose family still has a wedding chapel and restaurant (Lutes’ Casino) in town. I spoke with Justice of the Peace Lutes son today at his restaurant, which, by the way, is GREAT – like an Old West Saloon of sorts, with huge pictures of Hollywood Stars adorning its rustic walls.
I also visited the History Museum and Heritage Center. Gable visited town more than Errol, to hunt doves!, so they knew more local anecdotes concerning him. But Errol, being Errol, fascinates everyone, and the townspeople were fascinated to learn more about the marriage, not really knowing much regarding Lili.I have a few photos on my phone, which I’ll try to post when I get a good chance.
* Having joked about the marriage, I fully realize of course that it may have been essential to Errol’s success in Hollywood. Without Lili, we may well have never heard of Errol Flynn, at least not as we know him today. (So, thank yopu for that, Lili!) Moreover, and more importantly, it resulted in the birth of a wonderful son.
Photos from June 25, 1935

— Tim