With the History Channel debuting its “Curse of Oak Island” series this Sunday, this is a great time to explore Errol’s many treasure hunting adventures – from his youth in the South Seas through his time in the Caribbean – and all those in between. His interest in digging for treasure on Oak Island may have been frustrated by previous claims and legal impediments, but I’m not fully sure to what extent he researched, visited, or examined the island – or sought the right to dig.
Anyone out there know?? … It’s a mystery, involving an enigma.
Errol Studying Treasure Map
Zaca in a Coat of Pirate Black
Ready for Some Treasure Hunting (In Cannes)
— Tim
January 2, 2014 at 5:15 pm
Another crack at Captain Kidd’s booty – this time south of Japan:
The Real Person!
January 3, 2014 at 3:18 pm
Aye the “Black Pearl” !! I wonder if Steve Hayes was on any of Errol’s treasure hunts!?
January 3, 2014 at 6:06 pm
Timeriding back in time from the “Black Pearl” to the “Black Cat Trail”, Timerider, we arrive at where Errol may have undertook his most dangerous treasure hunting – in Papua New Guinea. (Excepting the more insidious dangers he encountered in Hollywood, of course.)
In or about October 1927, Our (Young) Man Flynn sailed into Salamaua and hiked the treacherous Black Cat Trail to Wau, one the most dangerous treks in the world. Infamously infested with typhoid, leeches, Blackwater fever, notoriously violent natives (including headhunters & cannibals), non-native bandits, killer snakes & cassowaries, wild razorback boars, among other unpleasantries – Errol braved his way through to the goldfields of Edie Creek.
The Black Cat Trail was one of the most dangerous places on earth. … Still is!
And, at the end of the trail, awaited the not much more merry makeshift goldmining villages like this one that graced the junction of Edie and Meri Creeks when Errol was there.
January 4, 2014 at 1:20 am
In the Spring of ’38, Errol sailed his (second) Sirocco into Jamaica. Lured by legends of vast underwater riches, lost in an enormous earthquake in 1692, El Capitan Flynn planned to find some treasure for himself, including church bells said to toll with the tide. As it turned out, the technology and equipment to successfully reach and retrieve the greatest of these treasures was not available until the early Sixties. Errol’s early deep sea diving equipment was not able to get him where he wanted to go. But, it is likely he was able to find lesser treasures in shallow water – household and architectural remnants, some of which can still be found there today. … Perhaps the greatest treasure Errol found on that trip was Jamaica itself.
Olde Port Royal was known in days of old as “the wickedest place on earth”. In more modern times, it’s been sometimes referred to as “Dodge City of the Caribbean” – as in the great video linked below. These descriptions alone must have attracted Errol!
January 5, 2014 at 7:17 pm
Curse of Oak Island series begins tonight:
Roosevelt, Astor, Byrd, Wayne & Our Man Flynn, among the treasure hunters:
Looks like this photo could have been taken after Errol (and his not-so-merry men) came up short after digging down the notorious Oak Island Money Pit.