Monthly Archives: August 2022

Mail Bag! Lorenzo Gomez Errol Flynn Mallorca Documentary!

The Mail Bag brings us great news about an independent documentary from Lorenzo Gomez about our dear old Mr. Errol Flynn in Mallorca, Spain … Lorenzo says: “On September 1st our “Errol’s Flynnesque adventure in Mallorca” amateur documentary will have its exclusive premiere featuring some of the last living witnesses to Errol flynn’s days in Spain! Here is a photographic preview!”… (more…)

The Tim Blain Show Sean Flynn Dave McMillan!

The The Tim Blain Show was live! The Search for Sean Flynn with Special Guest Dave McMillan ……   — David DeWitt

The Search for Sean Flynn Upcoming Interview with Sergeant Major Dave McMillan!

This is a preview of Sergeant Dave McMillan’s upcoming interview on The Tim Blain Show about the search for Sean Flynn, and Dana Stone. This is a new, original interview preview.  Warning: ADULT LANGUAGE included … the full interview will be following once it airs! Thanks, Dave & Tim! — David DeWitt

Captain Blood Publicity Photos!

  — David DeWitt

White Hunter Black Sock

Dear Flynnstones, here is Errol taking a breather during the shooting of THE ROOTS OF HEAVEN and an elephant. He used to wear his loafers in the nude in Hollywood, but on the black continent he took on the white man‘s burden of donning socks (probably from Warner Bros. stock). Acting totally in character while making a sock and sandal… (more…)

You Can‘t Curry Love

Dear Flynnstones, when Errol chose to make Rudyard Kipling’s KIM in India instead of KING SOLOMON‘S MINES in Africa, it was a heart over head decision. In consequence of this costly career move, Flynn sipped his spicey tea in true British fashion- with a stiff upper lip. Empire losing England in turn gained a star in the bargain:…… Enjoy,… (more…)

Olivia Dehaviland has a Brief, but Charming Encounter with History

20:40-21:50   — Karl

Lil Sean

Dear Flynnstones, here is one of the earliest photos of Tiger Lil and son Sean. Enjoy, — shangheinz

Danish Delight

Dear Flynnstones, here is Errol with Miss Denmark Krete Hoffenblad (center) from when he served as connaisseur at various beauty contests all over Europe. Figures, — shangheinz

High Swoon

Dear Flynnstones, here is Errol getting dressed up for a showdown. What western? Enjoy. — shangheinz