The Flynns of Palm Beach

29 Jan

Here is where Sean lived with Lili in Palm Beach:

Sean's Place

Sean is said to have frequently stayed in a cottage behind the main house, the top of which (the main house) can be seen in this photo, near the intersection of Seabreeze (aka Sea Breeze) & Cocoanut – third house in on the right (south) side:

Sean & Lili Corner…

— Tim


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  1. Tim

    January 29, 2014 at 10:29 pm

    And here is the Brazilian Court Hotel, where Errol often stayed when he visited Palm Beach, in the heart of Palm Beach, walking distance from Sean & Lili – a walk I made very recently to take the above photos of their Seabreeze Avenue home.…


  2. Tim

    January 29, 2014 at 11:13 pm

    Not sure why it won’t link above. but here is a local Palm Beach account on the life of Lili (Carre/Damita/Flynn/Loomis), including her life with Sean on Palm Beach:…


  3. Tim

    January 29, 2014 at 11:37 pm

    Two of Errol’s Favorite Places in Palm Beach – the (both) legendary and world-renowned Bradley’s Beach Club & Everglades Club. Ed Bradley’s Beach Club was the most exclusive and profitable casino in the world. The Everglades Club remains to this day a centerpiece of Palm Beach, very nearby where Errol often stayed at the Brazilian Court. The Everglades Club has no website, and no cell phones are permitted on its property!! … A great place for Errol to hide from Jack Warner and his many minions – not to mention girfriends & wives!



  4. Tim

    January 29, 2014 at 11:51 pm

    Here’s one of Errol in Palm Beach:


    Photos of Errol in Palm Beach and even Florida are relatively rarely seen, possibly because he was often hiding from Warners! I do, however, have a very youthful one of him from the late 30’s, but, as I’ve never seen it online, I’ll need to scan it before it can be posted – along with an awesome account of some of his fantastic history in South Palm Beach County and Fort Lauderdale.

    • Lollie

      The Real Person!

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      The Real Person!

      Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      January 30, 2014 at 1:28 am

      Wow what a beautiful place,Errol definitely knew how to live.Thanks for posting all those photos & info Tim. :)

      • Tim

        January 30, 2014 at 2:37 am

        My great pleasure, Lollie. Palm Beach is quite a place, most particularly during winter and early spring, when it’s an epicenter for the super wealthy. Errol is said to have also visited the Royal Poinciana & Breakers, the latter of which is prominently featured in Heartbreakers with Sigourney Weaver & Gene Hackman, et al. .. In fact, I saw Hackman (one of my favorites) driving near Mizner Park in Boca one afternoon, in a sky blue Bentley convertible, with a beautiful young blond riding shotgun! He must be an Errol fan, too! though clearly not as dashing as Our Man Flynn!!


        • Tim

          January 31, 2014 at 3:19 am

          As it was when Errol first saw it, The Breakers remains one of the premier hotels in the world, looking much the same as it did in the Days of Flynn. Indeed, Palm Beach retains much of the Medieval Spanish influenced architecture Addison Mizner pioneered & popularized. Here’s an interior shot of The Breakers:


          The Everglades Club was Mizner’s first masterpiece in this genre, responsible for the ultimate and unique look of Palm Beach. The ultra-exclusive Cloisters, in Boca Raton, also on the EF tour, was Addison’s swan song. … His legendarily notorious brother, Wilson Mizner, worked for Jack Warner, who helped Wilson open the Brown Derby in Hollywood.

    • Inga

      January 30, 2014 at 4:36 pm

      Have you got any more precise info on that one, Tim? Looks like mid-fifties, so it must be during his wander years in Europe?

      • Tim

        January 30, 2014 at 6:57 pm

        The photo of Errol in Palm Beach above was taken by prominent high society photographer Bert Morgan, Inga. Morgan resided in Palm Beach for many years, specializing in shots of celebrities living & visiting there. I do not know the exact date or location of this particular photo. Mid-Fifties is the likely timeframe , though it’s mis-dated as a 1940 photo in an online Morgan archive & photostream. Being Morgan’s, there’s a good chance it was published. So maybe it can be dated in that manner, with exact location and perhaps even a function and backstory. High resolution equipment might reveal some clues, too – on the silverware, glasses, ashtray, etc. All I can make out on my cell is the Canada Dry emblem! … but that too may provide evidence of year the photo was taken, depending on how frequently the company changed ginger ale bottle markings back in those days..

        • Tim

          January 31, 2014 at 2:45 am

          From a quick look-see at the evolution of Canada Dry bottles, Inga, it looks to me like a circa 1954 or 55 North American version of a Canada Dry Ginger Ale bottle. The straight line at top is a clue. Here’s a ’54:


          P.S. Here’s a link to The Bert Morgan Archive:

          • Inga

            January 31, 2014 at 4:44 pm

            His looks and attire resemble the one on the famous photo with Tony Curtis I thought…

            • Inga

              January 31, 2014 at 4:46 pm

              No, just checked, I was wrong… but I’ve seen that one here in some connection it seems to me…

              • Tim

                January 31, 2014 at 7:06 pm

                It may be online elsewhere than the Bert Morgan archive, Inga, but that’s the only place I’ve seen, identified as a Palm Beach photo, where most of Morgan’s celebrity photography was performed. … But that’s not gospel. After all, they had the year significantly wrong. Maybe if someone can identify the other man at the table, its history will become more clear.

                Can anyone decipher what is written on the “stationary”? next to Errol’s right hand? Is that an invitation perhaps?

                • Inga

                  January 31, 2014 at 7:30 pm

                  at least here’s the suit:… But during that time, he was probably wearing it at ALL events. And the lamps are different.

                  • Tim

                    January 31, 2014 at 8:37 pm

                    Very similar looking tie and jacket, Inga. Great memory!

                    So, it appears Errol was in the States during the Winter of ’56, with what may well be the same formal attire. Perhaps he visited Palm Beach that same year. If he was betting the horses, searching for funding of any kind, or doing any big game fishing , or hoping to do any big game fishing that winter, Palm Beach was the place to go. Plus, most importantly, he might be able to see Sean – especially if he could escape the endless service of legal papers on him by Lili and her PB lawyers, something that probably often hobbled his ability to properly visit with Sean, something he surely would have treasured.


    January 30, 2014 at 4:37 am

    Thank you for posting the picture of the house where Sean grew up. [Or should I say the house that Flynn built. (Actually the house Flynn paid for!)] As always you provide very interesting pictures!–A. R.

    • Tim

      February 1, 2014 at 11:55 pm

      I just re-read your post, A.R., and it hit me that you may have been joking or baiting me with “The House That Flynn Built” reference. If you’re a New Yorker and/or Yankee fan, you may have put together that I wrote “The House That Ruth Built” YouTube song & video to help protect treasures of Old Yankee Stadium – as well the “lyrics” to the followup video “The House That Ruth Built .. Is Now Gone”. Or maybe it’s just a coincidence??

      BTW, A.R., that name you coined would be great for Mullholland Farm! Maybe that should be a song & video, too! The House That Flynn Built!! Love it!

  6. David DeWitt

    January 30, 2014 at 7:20 am

    Extraordinary posting!

  7. Tim

    January 30, 2014 at 8:43 am

    Thank you so very much for your very kind compliments. Lollie, A.R. & David.

    As the above-linked article on Lili mentions, after Errol’s death Lili married the Eskimo Pie king and moved to 136 Woodbridge. What it does not say is that this new home of hers abutted Mar-A-Lago, one of the most magnificent homes ever built. Accordingly, during her last decade of winters in Palm Beach, Donald Trump owned and sometimes lived “next door”. That must have been another adventure in Lili’s life, as The Donald was much despised by the high society of Palm Beach during those years.

    • Tim

      January 31, 2014 at 4:17 am

      For those looking for a beach cottage, Lili’s old place on Woodbridge is available for only $17,500 a month, with a 30-yr mortgage. Be forewarned, however, you’ll have Donald Trump as a neighbor. There went the neighborhood. Trump must have fired the previous owners.

      Lili’s lot is the one with the pool, at the center-bottom of the photo below – a stone’s throw from Trump .. which might prove necessary on occasion. As if the massive original home was not enough, Trump owns all the various buildings above Lili’s – from the Atlantic to Lake Worth – hence the appellation of Mar-A-Lago.


      Oh, if only Tiger Lil’ could have spent her life on Palm Beach hunting down The Donald, instead of The Baron. That would have been wonderful.

      P.S. Mr. Loomis must have sold a lot of Eskimo Pies!

  8. Tim

    April 21, 2014 at 6:41 pm

  9. Gentleman Tim

    May 12, 2015 at 2:44 am

    A Portrait of Lili – painted in Palm Beach by noted fashion & advertising turned portrait & flower artist, Mary McKinnon. Shown on Worth Avenue, in February of 1946, one of the most renowned top shelf shopping locations in the world.…

  10. Gentleman Tim

    May 12, 2015 at 2:53 am

    Dancin’ Damita, spring of ’61! Her feet were hurtin’ for two years!…

  11. Gentleman Tim

    May 12, 2015 at 3:07 am

    Around the World Honeymoon with the Dairy King:…

  12. Gentleman Tim

    May 14, 2015 at 5:20 am

    Lili Dates the Well-Heeled Woody Wood:…

  13. Sergio

    April 5, 2016 at 11:32 pm

    Great photos and info GT – thank you.. Mysner park is a fav hang out of mine when in town. Thanks again…