One Plane Sailed East – To Err is Yuman

10 Jan

Visited Yuma today, where, in June of ’35, Errol & Tiger Lil (in)famously entered into (Un)Holy Matrimony.*  Here’s how EF recounted the event:

Below are links to the history of how Yuma came to become known as “Where the Stars Marry” and why the Justice of the Peace who married EF & LD – Earl A. Freeman – earned the title of “The Marry-ing Judge” – as did his successor Justice of the Peace Lutes, whose family still has a wedding chapel and restaurant (Lutes’ Casino) in town. I spoke with Justice of the Peace Lutes son today at his restaurant, which, by the way, is GREAT – like an Old West Saloon of sorts, with huge pictures of Hollywood Stars adorning its rustic walls.……

I also visited the History Museum and Heritage Center.  Gable visited town more than Errol, to hunt doves!, so they knew more local anecdotes concerning him.  But Errol, being Errol, fascinates everyone, and the townspeople were fascinated to learn more about the marriage, not really knowing much regarding Lili.I have a few photos on my phone, which I’ll try to post when I get a good chance.

* Having joked about the marriage, I fully realize of course that it may have been essential to Errol’s success in Hollywood.  Without Lili, we may well have never heard of Errol Flynn, at least not as we know him today.  (So, thank yopu for that, Lili!) Moreover, and more importantly, it resulted in the birth of a wonderful son.

Photos from June 25, 1935



— Tim


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  1. zacal

    January 10, 2014 at 6:06 pm

    I wish Errol and Lili had remained happy together. (She was with him during his most productive years.) But, if they had, Errol wouldn’t have had his daughters. Funny how life works. [img][/img]

    • Tim

      January 11, 2014 at 3:47 am

      So true, Zacal. She opened doors and introduced Errol to all the right people. She just didn’t have it in her to let him go when it was his time to soar. He was just too much for her -too much for any one person, including himself I imagine. He was Errol Flynn, for God’s sake. There will never be another one.

      God works in delirious ways, I mean mysterious ways.

  2. Daryl Haney

    January 11, 2014 at 8:29 pm

    Hey, Tim, I can’t get some of the links to work, including the one in which Errol gives his account of the wedding, and that’s certainly of interest to me.

    • Tim

      January 12, 2014 at 4:11 am

      I apologize Duke. I’m driving across the country with only my cell, so I haven’t been able to post too well the last three or four days. Will fix post once I make it to Florida. The link to Errol’s account about Yuma was supposed to bring you to My Wicked Wicked Ways, but I apparently screwed it up. You could google it up on g books, key words Yuma Bud Ernst. Preceding it is one of my favorite parts, where Errol praises Lili’s legendary sexual talents, unequivocally declaring her the best in the world as I recall. When Errol Flynn says that, that’s really saying something!

      Btw, I saw Reid in your email address, Duke. … Im a Reid, too.

  3. timerider

    January 18, 2014 at 1:49 am

    They were so young and beautiful! Maybe to much alike?
    Sean came and he was a gift even if he was only here for a short time. Lilly may have had some traits that attracted Errol and repulsed him at the same time. Very petite lady but it seems that a hat check girl was more congenial for him and his ways!l Shoot, I’m attracted to her and Olivia also! LOL!She’s French and my mother’s side are DeJung’s from Metz in Alsace. Dang Frenchies! LOL!

    • Tim

      January 18, 2014 at 5:13 am

      Lili was certainly an amazingly sexy creature, wasn’t she? My first crush (and later girlfriend) was of pure French descent, with the same coloring & hair. And in some photos (including the first one Lili’s Wikipedia page) my ex-wife looked exactly like her (with a sometimes identical temper, too!) So, I guess you and I both go for that type, timeridetr! And Olivia is abundantly blessed with some exquisite French beauty & Je Ne Sais Quoi, too!!

      • Lollie

        The Real Person!

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        The Real Person!

        Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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        January 19, 2014 at 10:42 am

        Great post Tim,you really are on the Errol Flynn trail,that’s wonderful! :)

        Errol & Lili really were a stunning looking couple.What a lucky lady she was.

        • Tim

          January 19, 2014 at 9:31 pm

          Thank you, Lollie. A sensational looking couple indeed – and a beautiful son. …. I wonder how many photos exist of the three of them together: Errol, Lili & Sean??

          btw, Lollie, spoke last night at a yacht club in Florida with a fellow now living in Australia who grew up in St. Pete, and knew the Tonga when she was here. He and his brother had very good info on the boat.

          • Lollie

            The Real Person!

            Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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            The Real Person!

            Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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            January 20, 2014 at 10:14 am

            That’s terrific Tim,it sure is a small world.

            Yes what a great looking man Sean was too.Heartbreaking & so unfair what happened to him. :(

  4. Gentleman Tim

    August 3, 2014 at 3:49 am

    Earl Marries Errol – 99% Success Rate!…
