Sailing the Sirocco, 1965 – Home Movie from Hawaii

05 Jan


Ahoy & Aloha, Fans of Flynn.

Wouldn’t it have been great to be on this day-trip off Waikiki!…

— Tim


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  1. timerider

    The Real Person!

    Author timerider acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    January 6, 2014 at 3:51 pm

    Thanks Tim! I remember those endless summers in the 60’s!
    Fun to watch em pump out the bilge, LOL! Plenty of crew for whatever adventure they were on. It’s starting to give me goosebumps watching videos from the day!

  2. David DeWitt

    The Real Person!

    Author David DeWitt acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    January 6, 2014 at 5:02 pm

    I remember walking the length of the Ala Wai Canal in 1969 as a young sailor based at Pearl Harbor. Hawaii 5-0 was still in production. The overpass seen in the video at the yacht harbor is Ala Moana Bvld. Years later, I took my fourteen year old daughter to Honolulu to vacation and see the old sights. It had changed much more than I expected. This overpass is still there. I took a picture of my daughter with the canal in the background. Looking at a map today, I see two large piers that were not there in my day opposite this overpass. It was all open sea. I never expected to see the Sirroco sailing in that water. Back in the day I knew, there were few high rise hotels, and the bus took you from Pearl all the way to Waikiki with one transfer in an area sailors called “Sh#t Street”. Forgive the common language but this is historically accurate. You had to walk along the street to get to the next stop past curio shops and open doorways where smiling lady Gypsy’s stood inviting you into Houses of Special Integrity. My daughter and I took a bus back from Pearl Harbor toward Waikiki, and I recognized nothing along the way. All high rise buildings where single story structures and flat land had been. Then we turned a corner and I got a sense of deja vu. We entered a two block area of undeveloped street. Looking from my windows I realized this was all that is left of S Street. The one with those smiling ladies. Errol would laughing right now.

    • Tim

      January 6, 2014 at 10:16 pm

      Holy Honolulu – or should I say Unholy Honolulu, David! Those were the days! Not nearly like you, but I did get to see some of old Hotel Street back in the Eighties, when I worked at Pearl. What an amazing old-world type place! I Love Hawaii – as I’m sure The Great EF did. How could he not? … Only downside is that the world’s richest brat, Doris Duke, was probably always trying to lure him out of town and up to her own private Hawaiian Home of Special Integrity, Shangra La. Luckily, Duke Kahanomoku & George Patton were able to fill in for him sometimes, as well as Galvin Welby, father of the current Archbishop of Canterbury! … Like I said, Holy Honolulu!…

      Betcha EF knew one or more of these lovely ladies – each of whom, as you can read in the above article, all swore by the (district’s) ten commandments:


  3. seasidelaundry

    April 22, 2021 at 2:22 pm

    Sailing the Sirocco: commenters spurred memories of 1968-1971. Living on Hobron Ln Waikiki, across from Ilikai Lagoon & harbor. My husband’s boss took us aboard a smaller craft, was not the overbearing John Huston ship. He walked us thru’, pointing out Flynn’s bunk. My tour “halted forever in time” at that point. : ) Never stopped reading, watching & following from that day. Happy to see some still savoring moments on the island as recently as 2014!