Taking a Guess on EF's Crusader

Being a fan of Errol Flynn has been so much fun this last year.  I mean I've always been a fan but now I am reading all the books there are, finding sheet music and magazines.  I just visited his grave (will write more later on that experience), but what I want to say now is:  when I was surfing around the Internet looking for Errol, I came across L.A. LA Land's Hollywood Blog.  He had written a wonderful article and we traded thoughts back and forth a few times.  For some reason, while surfing around months later this article came up again and someone had responded to the article.  They were so supportive of EF.  I thought this is someone you would want on your “side”.  This is what struck me as so right on and is just a snippet from the original post:  “Look into his eyes, which are the mirror of the soul, prior to this event [rape trial] his eyes sparkled with a zest and excitement, afterward that sparkle, that glee was gone and it was gone forever“.  I want to say that Tina made that post.  Am I right, Tina?  If so, you go girl!

— Kathleen

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