Who is it? Who is it?

253.1954Portrait2MaleportraitlegManrayWho is She or He?

1) He or she was born in France.

2) His or her father was a famous Parisian.

3) His or her portrait – painted before meeting Errol – hangs in a leading museum.

4) Many considered him or her to be handsome or beautiful.

5) He or she was a friend of Noel Coward, as was his or her very close companion.

6) George Cukor liked him or her, also.

7) He or she had relations with a number of notable men.

8) He or she once made a movie with Merle Oberon.

9) He or she was almost in a movie with Errol.

10) He or she is mentioned in MWWW, but not his or her wife or husband or partner.

— Tim

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