“The Next Errol Flynn”?


We all, of course, know there will never be another Errol Flynn. He was just too unique and too impossible to duplicate. But there remains MUCH of his life that could and should be depicted on film. That being true, it could prove very productive to begin searching for someone who could successfully portray him in a major production.

Last night, I had the completely unexpected pleasure of seeing “RUSH”, the new film by Ron Howard. Though I had heard Ron Howard directed the film (which led me to believe it would be of high quality), I had absolutely no idea of what the movie was about, nor whom it starred. As it turned out, the direction was sensational, the subject was terrific, and the star – Chris Hemsworth (who I knew nothing about until after seeing the movie) – he was great. More to the point, though, is the fact that IMO this actor has everything it takes to credibly portray Errol during his peak Hollywood years – and that, as you all know, is saying a lot!! He’s got the looks, the build, apparently the athleticism, the voice, the charm, the humor, the spunk, the verve, and the acting chops, necessary to cover the critical years from ‘Captain Blood’ to ‘Cruise of the Zaca’ and beyond. And, as I also found out after the movie, he’s from Australia, having lived on Phillips Island, not far from Tasmania!

I strongly encourage all to see this great movie, if only to see what you think about this young man’s potential and prospects as the next star to portray Errol?

Also, for the purpose of this tab, please recommend any other contenders for “the next Errol Flynn” – including the Baron’s own grandsons, in case they’re so inclined themselves!!

— Tim

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