Mail Bag! Errol Flynn Promissory Note! 1953!

Our Karl Holmberg spotted this Errol Flynn promissory note recently on eBay. He uses the Mail Bag to say:

That would be $132,879.21 in today dollars. Thanks to your sharing and Mr. Florczak’s 1953 searching, we have:

December 14~Flies from Barcelona, Spain to New York aboard Pan American Airways.

December 25~Daughter, Arnella Roma is born (6 1/2lbs) in Rome, Italy.

Promissory note


At this location: Bobby Van’s Grill & Steakhouse – Wall Street,Levine, Lisa A,SPI Entertainment Incorporated,Fort Green Cleaners Llc & (no fee) apartments.

Thanks, Karl!

— David DeWitt

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