Errol/Titchfield Hotel
Hello, I just read your blog regarding the Titchfield Hotel. You mention a 10k check for the a/c. I happen to have a psa/dna certified cancelled check for $6437.54 paid to Cahill Interiors dated July 15, 1952. In the bottom left corner is written in Errol’s writing “Repairs a/c Hotel Titchfield.” I believe a/c means “and credit ” and not meaning air conditioning. And it’s then signed by Errol Flynn. I just thought I would write and let you know.
I enjoy reading your articles. I have often wondered if anyone knows what work Cahill Interiors did at the hotel for that this check paid for?
The check was signed: Cahill Interiors deposit to account Carol Parker Cahill. North Shore Bank, Miami Beach, Florida. Errol lived a fascinating life and I have certainly enjoyed watching his movies and seeing his many talents over the years. What an original.
Delaine Davis
Thanks, Delaine!
— David DeWitt
July 25, 2017 at 1:36 pm
Very nice!
Gentleman Tim
July 25, 2017 at 1:55 pm
Fascinating, Delaine. Thank you very much.
North Shore Bank used to be a very cool Art Deco, and Carol Parker (Cahill) used to be a Hollywood actress. In fact, she was Sally Dawson in the 1944 Robin Hood-type Western starring Buster Crabbe and his horse Falcon! Titled “The Drifter” in the U.S.
Here she is on Falcon’s left!
Gentleman Tim
July 25, 2017 at 3:19 pm
Here’s the old North Shore Bank on Miami Beach:
Gentleman Tim
July 25, 2017 at 3:22 pm
And here’s Carol Parker (later Cahill) “warming up” to Buster Crabbe in The Drifter:…
The Real Person!
July 26, 2017 at 11:13 pm
From a person with an architectural college education and over 50 years in the commercial construction industry, including owning a few very succesful companies who saw this posting, he says: … a/c comes from hvac, which means heating, ventilatiing and air conditioning … a/c means air conditioning and nothing else. And given the fact that the check says “Repairs a/c” … I think he is probably right in absense of any further information …
The Real Person!
July 27, 2017 at 6:43 am
My interpretation of a/c is account. This is the common abbreviation here in Tasmania. I believe that the monies for the repairs was to come from the Titchfield repairs account or that the monies paid were to be allocated against the repairs account in the ledger.
The Real Person!
July 28, 2017 at 3:01 pm
That’s interesting, too! With Errol, so many mysteries!