Mail Bag! Cahill Interiors & Titchfield Hotel Check!

Errol/Titchfield Hotel

Hello, I just read your blog regarding the Titchfield Hotel. You mention a 10k check for the a/c. I happen to have a psa/dna certified cancelled check for $6437.54 paid to Cahill Interiors dated July 15, 1952. In the bottom left corner is written in Errol’s writing “Repairs a/c Hotel Titchfield.” I believe a/c means “and credit ” and not meaning air conditioning. And it’s then signed by Errol Flynn. I just thought I would write and let you know.

I enjoy reading your articles. I have often wondered if anyone knows what work Cahill Interiors did at the hotel for that this check paid for?

The check was signed: Cahill Interiors deposit to account Carol Parker Cahill. North Shore Bank, Miami Beach, Florida. Errol lived a fascinating life and I have certainly enjoyed watching his movies and seeing his many talents over the years. What an original.

Delaine Davis


Thanks, Delaine!

— David DeWitt

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