16 Sep


— Tim


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  1. timerider

    The Real Person!

    Author timerider acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    September 16, 2017 at 6:03 pm

    As always, she is the lone survivor of Errol’s digs! Oh maybe there are some places in Jamaica. However this old girl has had so much $$$ invested into her that she just can’t die!
    Almost 100 years old. At my age I would need a young crew that hails me captain! to see her in full sail gives me goosebumps or for you other english sailors”Goose Pimples”

    • Gentleman Tim

      September 17, 2017 at 8:12 am

      You would be one awesome skipper for The Zaca, tmerider – a very worthy and spirited shipmate and sailing for the spirit of Captain Flynntastic himself!

      “As of 2008, Zaca is privately owned and berthed in Monaco. The owner is Roberto Memmo. The skipper is Bruno Dal Pias. A crew of four regularly sail Zaca to ports such as Punta Ala, Gaeta, Capri, Cagliari, and throughout the Aegean Sea. The Zaca is frequently seen at prestigious sailing races in the Mediterranean. Her winter port is in Port de Fontvielle, Monaco.”


  2. shangheinz

    The Real Person!

    Author shangheinz acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    September 17, 2017 at 11:59 am

    Peeping on:…

    • The Zaca

      September 17, 2017 at 2:46 pm

      My Italian was minimal and very rusty now but she makes a couple of references to Errol’s ghost in the You Tube. :)

    • Gentleman Tim

      September 18, 2017 at 10:14 am

      Mille grazi, zacaheinz!!! Great video!

      And here are some magnificent interior images posted by Tina. Thank you, Tina!

      The Zaca Today!

      • Tina

        The Real Person!

        Author Tina acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
        Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

        September 18, 2017 at 7:04 pm

        Thanks Tim!
        I found this You Tube maybe of interest to our authors!…

        Very interesting and I wonder who is “ErrolFlynned” ???

        • Tina

          The Real Person!

          Author Tina acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
          Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

          September 18, 2017 at 7:07 pm

          I wonder why I get lately this remark on my comments: Your comment is awaiting moderation.