He loved that painting!

Let's continue with the next painting he loved so well!
Errol and his prized possession – Mother and Child!

Vincent Van Gogh “The Man is at Sea”

This painting is in a private collection today – would anybody have any information who's collection?

“The Man is at Sea” is – oil on canvas, size 25.98″ x 20.8″ (66 cm x 51 cm) was painted in October 1889 by Vincent Van Gogh while residing in Saint Paul asylum in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, France, to which Vincent Van Gogh admitted himself to find a cure of his very serious ailments. 
During this tragic time Vincent Van Gogh chose to paint pictures – themes and motives – of other painters and “The Man is at Sea” was one of them.

When you find this phrase  – Van Gogh's “The Man is at Sea” after Demont-Breton, this has a special meaning.  Van Gogh painted it after a picture, an engraving in this case, produced by Virginie Demont-Breton.  Meaning Van Gogh used her engraving to paint his “The Man is at Sea” in oil, in his style and his colors.

Virginie Demont-Breton produced her mother and child engraving in 1889 and it was  exhibited at “The Salon” Brussels (?) of the same year.  The Salon was in those days the highest venue to be exhibited. Van Gogh must have seen it in Brussels at the time of the exhibition as he painted his painting at the end of the same year. (October 1889)

Titled “Her Husband is gone to Sea” by Virginie Demont-Breton 1889:

A warm and wonderful picture! 

Two link of interest to enjoy
Virginie Demont-Breton and Vincent Van Gogh



Errol sure knew how to pick pictures – with “wow” backgrounds! Never a dull day! Have fun and always a great time!

P.S. Would anybody know if Errol owned James Whistler's “The Falling Rocket?”
Another picture with a hoopla background.  If he owned it it had to be prior to 1946 as the picture is owned since 1946 by the Detroit Institute of Art.

— Tina

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