Coronado Eagle – July 29, 1937
Fishing & Water Skiing (& likely Tennis, too ) in the Summer of ’37
“Splashes from Glorietta Bay”
“Assuming almost holiday appearance, Coronado Yacht Club continues to play host to a
number of visiting yachtsmen and members with the Club’s slips and basin filled with
craft of all sizes.
From northern ports, six visiting boats, their owners and guests aboard, arrived this
week and joined the local group for a stay in Coronado.
Cheerio II, 46-ft auxiliary yawl, owned by Errol Flynn, well known movie actor from
Beverly Hills, arrived Saturday for a holiday. Guests aboard are Frank Lbickok and
Elmer Griffin. The party plans to fish for marlin and enjoy water skiing.”

Cheerio II, 46-foot Yawl
Skippered by current owner Dick McNish, previously owned by Silver Screen Star Errol Flynn
— Tim
Gentleman Tim
June 21, 2017 at 10:25 pm
Errol’s guest, Elmer Flynn, was a talented tennis player, a tennis partner to tennis immortal Helen Willis, and founder of the Beverly Hills Tennis Club. He also was in a tennis film with Errol, Lili, Charlie Chaplin, and a host of other Hollywood heavyweights. Like Errol, he was a player.
What he is most remembered for now is that he was Merv Griffin’s uncle.…
June 22, 2017 at 3:35 pm
Here’s a water sport EF story that I think you’ll enjoy:…
Gentleman Tim
June 23, 2017 at 8:13 am
Good thing R.C. was out there with his Dragoon, Tony! … for Niven, Errol, and the Lucky Lady. Fortunately, being a successful studio servant, Niv had extensive knowledge on how to dodge and survive sharks.
And thanks very much, too, Tony, for the prompts to research and publish more on Errol’s pioneering water skiing, and next something new about his diving!