A Crazy Idea?

Hello everybody,

first I'd like to thank you all for the warm welcome you gave me. It feels good to be member of such a great community!

Then I would like to make a suggestion. Maybe it's crazy, but this idea has been on my mind for some time and I think it'd be quite unique…Why don't we create an “Errol Flynn Calendar” together? Meaning that we try to make a kind of “list” or overview of what Errol did every day of his life? For example, today is April 20th, and you could go to this site we'd create and have a look: Oh, today 60 years ago, Errol did this and that… He was shooting this or that film, had a party in the evening… What do you think? Possible? Crazy?

My second question for today: I read this wonderful book “Errol Flynn Slept Here” and I was wondering: who was the guy that eventually destroyed Mulholland House? His name is not mentioned, probably because he would have a hard time then? Is the name known at all?

Well, take care everybody and thanks for reading this!

— Inga

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