My Thoughts on Errol Flynn

As far back as I can remember Errol Flynn has fascinated me, as a small child he was the

 hero who had me rivetted to the screen.then one day I happened upon a book

called “My Wicked wicked ways” the first time I read it I was thirteen I've read it twice since and each time I take away something different from it .

                   In my humble opinion he was a man whose feelings about things ran a lot deeper than the world at large would suspect, and all his life he only ever wanted to impress and earn the  respect of his father.

                                  I think a lot of the time he was misunderstood which brings me to the question mark symbol he had on suits and a flag on his yacht, may have been saying “why me” Finally the magic that is Flynn stems I think from a persona that didn't take himself to seriously and blessed with a unique talent to make us  believe that heroes really do exist

— daringthorpe

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