Dear fellow Flynn fans,
Woodsie made the front page of Bild Zeitung, the biggest tabloid newspaper of Germany up to today on the 25th of may in 1960. The text reads as follows:
“Beverly Aadland (17) the former girlfriend of the late Hollywood star Errol Flynn, is not allowed to drink alcohol any more. The decision was taken via a US Court, who gave custody of the alcohol bloated Beverly to a priest`s family and barred her from singing in nightclubs. The girl had been arrested for her loose way of life.”
— shangheinz
The Real Person!
February 26, 2016 at 2:21 pm
Beverly did not remain sober for very long. A few years back the Australian producers of a first-rate documentary on Errol Flynn actually located Beverly Aadland and interviewed her on camera! She looked shockingly bad and didn’t live that much longer. Ralph Schiller
The Real Person!
February 26, 2016 at 3:55 pm
Yes indeed, RRS. Drinking rum and hot cocoa cola didn`t do Bevy`s hills any good.
February 26, 2016 at 7:37 pm
I would like to disagree with the above report on Beverly not being allowed to sing in nightclubs in 1960, she may have ignored the order as I saw her in the winter of 1961 at the ” COPA ” in Cleveland , Ohio; I took off work that night and watched her as she stood on the Copa’s bar and sang for us; we shared the same birthday, Sept. 16, 1942, we spoke , I told her how much I enjoyed the show, she thanked me, but turned down my offer of a drink. I was so smitten with her I sent her a dozen roses the next day, we were both 20 years old; I had talked to Errol Flynn’s girlfriend, I was on top of the world for days after. I am 73 now, it was like yesterday!
Gentleman Tim
February 26, 2016 at 11:37 pm
That’s awesome, Gene!
Any truth to or thoughts on the following comment I just found regarding the Mike Douglas Show starting at The Copa in Cleveland? Same Copa you met Bev at?
“A little known or revealed fact is that Mike Douglas started at “The Copa” nightclub, which was right next door to the T.V. channel. They broke holes in the wall for the cables. Roger Ailles, later to bcome Fox News President, was a cable puller for the show. The “package deal” was for the performers to play the Copa, right their at the site and do interviews on his afternoon talk show! He came to the Copa after a job fell out and they put he and his family up in a hotel, fed them and pitched the show! Eleanor LoConti, who’s godfather was head of the musicians union helped them get performers. Some of his guests did play the Chateau, if they got the booking, but the show started at the Copa, owned by Nick and Eleanor LoConti! Shows such as Bobby Darin, Les Paul and Mary Ford, Lola Folana, Johnny Ray,Joey D, Chubby Checker, were all acts that played “The Copa”.”
(I believe the “tv station” referred to was KYW-TV.)
The Real Person!
April 4, 2016 at 11:12 am
GNG1942, here is the complete bevy hill low down:…
Gentleman Tim
April 4, 2016 at 12:16 pm
And here’s Beverly in 1960, with No Way Jose:
The Real Person!
April 5, 2016 at 4:45 pm
There is no doubt drink took a toll on Beverly Aadland’s life but she was sober in her last several few years. She was ill, confined to a wheelchair with an oxygen bottle or she would have made the long car trip to Jack & Louise Marino’s legendary Burbank Centennial party for Errol Flynn. She sent her husband Ron Fisher, and daughter Aadlanda, along with a few photos and things owned by Flynn. This party is covered on the blog. And it lasted about four days!