Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 12 – Very Well Put, Mr. Flynn

Mr. Flynn, I Mean, Mr. Flint, Saves the World from Global Warming (in “Our Man Flynn”) and Hot Global Feminists (in “In Like Flint”), Romancing with Wild Women and Conversing with Trained Dolphins All Along His Errol-May-Care Way.

Derek Flint tributes Errol, showing The Baron to be even greater than Bond.

See zacal’s superb “Our Man Flynn” post:…

In addition to a bevy of beauties, there’s even a Basil-like staircase swordfight, ~ 1:32 in “Our Man Flint”.

And Flint is actually called “Mr. Flynn” at one point in the sequel! See ~ 1:16.……

— Tim

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