Crowe's Robin Hood Reviews coming in…

These are some links to reviews of the new Ridley Scott Robin Hood sent to me by my long time pen pal Suzy…

Whose fault is it that 'Robin Hood' is terrible?

By now everyone knows that Ridley Scott's Robin Hood isn't very good. First the French learned it, at Cannes, and then the rest of the world learned it, through the usual non-Cannes channels. With many bad movies, it's hard to determine where, exactly, things went wrong. Plenty of so-so scripts are ……May 20 6:51 PM
In theaters ROBIN HOOD, directed by Ridley Scott, written by Brian Helgeland, 131 minutes, rated PG-13. The best thing that can be said about the new Ridley Scott movie, “Robin Hood,” is …

Bangor Daily NewsMay 20 3:49 PM

The concept of “rob from the rich and give to the poor” has been a popular one in America in times of economic trouble. One would think reinventing the character who first embodied that ideal would be a surefire way to energize the masses, but if the new rendition of “Robin Hood” is any indication, it just isn’t worth the effort.

Craig Daily PressMay 20 3:24 PM

— David DeWitt

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