It Dropped into Dodge 77 years ago

A couple days ago I watched Dodge City (1939)— (Lord only knows how many times I have) and a little tid-bit stored in my small tiny pea brain came to the for front, about how Hollywood had broken away from the tradition of premiering films in places such their California theaters – this time they premiered in Dodge City, Kansas, of which, cough-cough! you ready fro this? the city in which the movie was made about – bet you never knew that did you? right! Ok well lets move on my fellow Flynnsters – It premiered there 77 years ago this past April 1st – 1939. I wonder if TCM who broadcast it this past week knew of this – there was no intro to the movie from Robert Osborn or Ben Mankiewicz as there are a couple times a night prior to the movie, so not sure if there were any notion to this premier history? Yet I found it interesting so I research a little and found this article that posted in March of 2015 in the Dodge City Daily Globe.

This movie, to me, is another excellent western that stands the test of time, 77 years strong!

It has also always been considered to have had the best bar brawl scene of movies.

although his performance shines bright, our man Flynn did not like it so much, especailly the part about him being Irish and traveling the world in order to make a fit into a western hero due to his accent; he thought of it as BS and another JW exploitation of swashbuckling hero jumping from ships to road apple streets.

Personally I can understand his wanting dif, but for me; I sur’em glad he mad’em partner….…


— Sergio

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