Sean In The News

I have what I call, my “Magic Box”,  with it you can get any film, program, music, whatever one can ever imagine with a click of finger, including movies that are in the theaters now.  (not sure if I should mention that?) – In any case out of the thousands of Apps I can pick from, I have one that I truly adore; all on documentaries, any flavor one can imagine. War docs., Classic Film docs. Bios, etc. are on the top of my list.

In search of a Vietnam doc I ran into one I had never seen before, It was a bad copy, yet I watched it as it was with Sean Flynn in Vietnam reporting live (I believe) to Chet Huntley in New York NBC.                                 Although I watched the whole program, I thought I would check online in seeing if I could find a better copy, and I did, of course its on Youtube.

I am probably the last to see this as I am sure you all have,  but just in case anyone else here has not, I thought I would post the link anyway.

It’s still tragic in knowing this fine young man was killed in the manner we think he was. If Errol had still been alive, I feel pretty confident he would have made a difference in getting his son back alive, or if all else his body, so Sean could have received a proper burial, and maybe have bene laid next to his dad.

Here is the link:…

— Sergio

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