From The Errol Flynn Blog Mailbag!

07 May

Mark Young, our Author, writes that he discovered an interview of Errol speaking in French to a French interviewer about his film Against All Flags, and a few other topics about his life:…

In case you are wondering, yes, Mark is related to the same Young family Errol is related to! He wonders how many other interviews Flynn gave in French? And where are they?

— David DeWitt


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  1. Tim

    May 8, 2014 at 12:25 am

    FLYNNTASTIQUE!!! Merci Beaucoup, Mark! And thank you Sir David.

    Ive got Glenn Miller music playing loudly behind me, but did I just hear Monsieur Errol Flynn, speak, in the lingua franca of the French, speak about In the Wake of the Bounty, Case of the Curious Bride, Against All Flags, and the Zaca(?), inter alia. How magnifique is that!!!


    Btw, Mark, what’s your relationship to Errol? Any to Midshipman Young, too??

    • David DeWitt

      May 8, 2014 at 6:14 am

      Tim, je vous renvoie à la description ci-dessus! Mark est très liée à M. Errol Flynn!

      • Tim

        May 8, 2014 at 7:27 am

        Before I can more fully respond to you, David, I need to consult with my new French instructor’s video, the first lesson of which is linked in my other post below. …. Only hitch is, everything and anything she says in French sounds to me so soul-stirring & romantic! – even the insults!

        Btw, here’s a fellow I just found somewhere on the net that looks like he could be a young cousin of Flynn:


        • David DeWitt

          May 8, 2014 at 5:26 pm

          The very same! That was fun watcvhing Olivia speak French to the panel! What fun!

          • Tim

            May 9, 2014 at 2:00 am

            Yes, I found that photo on an amazing site called the Errol Flynn Blog, David.

            Oh, Olivia! So elegantly beautiful!! Here’s another of her, introducing a constellation of Hollywood’s greats. Can you imagine how huge an applause Errol Flynn would have received! He was bigger, brighter & exponentially more exciting than all of them!!!

            Olivia de Havilland presenting the 75th Past Osca…:…



  2. twinarchers

    May 8, 2014 at 3:57 am

    I think the interview is on youtube and Errol speaks fluently like it is his first language. No stumbling around at all. It was impresive.

    • Tim

      May 8, 2014 at 5:26 am

      I no speaky French, twinarchers, but Errol surely sounds confident & comfortable (dare I say even cool & casual!!) with his French.

      I’ve got a secret & quite sensational French instructor to help me with all this Flynnian Francais:…

      Do you know that YouTube link you referred to??

      • Lollie

        May 8, 2014 at 10:01 am

        WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for posting that Mark and David. :)

    • twinarchers

      May 9, 2014 at 7:34 pm

      Also in Desperate Journey he speaks German and its the same thing, easy and believable.

      • Inga

        May 9, 2014 at 8:05 pm

        But there’s one sentence in Northern Pursuit I simply don’t understand…

  3. Inga

    May 8, 2014 at 3:51 pm

    He’s got a cute American accent when speaking French. :-)

  4. timerider

    May 8, 2014 at 5:42 pm

    Errol mentions Alsace-Lorraine in one of his books, even though it may be in a fictional manner. I’ve often wondered if the Young side of his family was from there. If so the Young side of my family is from near Metz. The people of that area speak both Français and Deutsch with many other languages tossed in. Oh well still wondering……..
    When folks see the Stackpole photo hanging on my wall of Errol climbing the mast, they ask if it’s me! LOL!

    • Tina

      May 13, 2014 at 5:02 am

      Hi timerider;
      In which book did you read bout Errol and Alsace-Lorraine? Errol/s Mother was Marie or Maria Lily Young – she put the two names together to make Marelle out of it. The Youngs are from her side, but she was of Irish descent.
      Would be nice if Errol could go back in his lineage to Alsace-Lorraine as Elsass-Lothringen was part of Austria. Maria Theresia Empress of Austria married Franz Stefan of Elsass – Lothringen. Would be nice! Hahaha!
      Take care!

  5. rswilltell

    May 8, 2014 at 6:07 pm

    Please be advised Last Of Robin Hood is already playing on a cable movie channel. I have a writer friend in Los Angeles who saw Last Of Robin Hood twice already. He is not certain if it played on FLIX, Showtime or even a Pay-Per-View channel but he definitely saw it. Although he’s a fan of Flynn he has no strong opinion on the actor’s final days one way or the other.
    However he said that as a movie Last Of Robin Hood is simply very bad. He said it was boring enough to cure even the worst case of insominia! I have not seen it yet so I can’t comment directly. I do know that as of today no one has reviewed Last Of Robin Hood for….
    Ralph Schiller

    • Robert

      May 9, 2014 at 3:50 am

      Your friend may have seen the film, Ralph, but the filmmakers have just assured me that it most decidedly has not played on TV or pay-per-view. It will be offered on cable later this year after the fall theatrical release through Goldwyn. The trailer is being completed at this moment.

    • errolsfan1130

      May 10, 2014 at 5:51 pm

      I am really not into this film. Based on I read, the film might not portray Errol accurately, or in a sympathetic light. It was in the waning hours of his life. His physical and mental conditions were quickly deteriorating. It was not the Errol even Errol himself wanted to be remembered. (Don’t forget at this point, Errol just wanted to die.) But unfortunately the destiny played a trick on him–that’s how his life ended. The essence of Errol should be the shinny light, the brightness, the zest for life, and the eternal male beauty. As a fan, if I ever wanted to make a film about Errol, it had to be an epic. Errol and his life were larger-than-life. The only format can do him justice is an epic film–not this type of a small-budget film with a self-righteous actor such as Calvin Klein. I saw Calvin Klein was briefly interviewed on youtube. The way he said it–sounding like to him Errol was merely a star. Thus, I felt Mr. Klein might miss the point. Thus, he would misinterpret this superstar in his waning hours. In 1930s and 1940s Hollywood, only the stars mattered and not everybody could be a star. And those who were not qualified ended becoming character actors. The style of movies in those days was all about the star qualities. In that era, when movie goers went to movies, they really wanted to fall in love with their stars. And Errol was the brightest of all. In Errol’s case, it was a combination of male beauty, charisma, physical vitality, vividness, talent, devil-may-care attitude, and sense of humor. Even a star, he did all the stunts. Let’s count it. In that era, who had what Errol had? If I were a movie goer at the time, I would certainly want to see the brightest star on screen instead of a realistic regular Joe next door. Also Errol’s fencing coach Ralph Faulkner stated, “Many people underrated Errol … but he never failed to amaze me. In those days, he had a memory like an elephant… The way his brain worked and the way he handled himself with a sword, made it clear to me there was more to him than met the eye. There’ll never be another quite like him.”

      • Gentleman Tim

        May 10, 2014 at 7:37 pm

        I agree, errolsfan! Errol’s epic life compels epic films! You describe his astronomical talents & qualities so very, very well. In an era of Megastars, he was the brightest of them all. Heck, Errol Flynn was a Big Bang all by himself. (No Big Dipper jokes, please. )


    • twinarchers

      May 11, 2014 at 3:11 am

      It makes me nervous when it’s all silence like it has been but what a bummer with the cast that’s involved. They should no better with their experience if it is like you say, “boring”. On the other hand what’s boring to one person isn’t to someone else so find out what else he didn’t like about it. I know about the premier in Canada because I searched for it. Otherwise I would not know anything. Kevin Klien seemed very reserved during the interviews so I wonder how happy he was about the end result? So little information just sucks. Just make an all out miniseries like I said before at about 6 hours running time.

    • Tina

      May 13, 2014 at 5:53 am

      I have seen “The Last of Robin Hood” as the premier was in Toronto and I attended it. I dit put a post on the blog about it at the time.
      I don’t think the movie is shown anywhere just yet, as I am looking out for it and would love to see it again. I have Netflix and channels by demand but there is nothing on them. I thought that any movie has to play first in cinemas before it goes into all other movie suppliers. I really doubt that anybody from the PUBLIC has seen it unless they were at the premier in Toronto. Robert has seen it!
      Anyway what I am reading amazes me and I don’t understand why someone would critique a movie without having it seen before.
      But I will give you my humble opinion.
      It is not a movie epic like “Gone with the Wind”, if you are thinking of seeing that then better don’t see it. But it is a very good “B” movie. The filmmakers couldn’t go on locations as they didn’t have a mega budget and had so many other restraints and difficulties to overcome. They are not Warner Brothers or Metro Goldwyn Mayer, they are a small movie company and on top of it they got very bad publicity because apparently they made some movies, which are not up to standards. Question is what are our standards? There are movies around made by the big companies with lots of money, with STAR actors, which make my hair stand up portraying all the crudeness possible.
      The Last of the Robin Hood is made very tastefully, with Oscar winning actors and a credit to Errol. It is very clear-sightedly done and I think to tackle this story was a very brave undertaking. It’s always so easy to be critical but actually doing it is an entire different cup of tea. Considering all the odds the directors and writers had to work with in dealing with an ever so sensitive issue they produced a great movie and I repeat a credit to Errol.
      That’s all folks, see it when you have chance and judge it for yourselves.
      Take care!

      • errolsfan1130

        May 13, 2014 at 11:29 am

        I have not seen the movie. The above I wrote was mainly in response to what I saw on… where how Calvin Klein described Flynn. He sounds like Flynn was merely a star, which made me mad. So… I wrote what I wrote. Small budget movie could be good too. I have no objection to it. But I simply worried how Klein would interpret Flynn if he sounds like Flynn was merely a star (with a little bit dismissive tone), because I know as all you must know very well Flynn was much much more than just a star. Flynn was epic. I worried Klein would just play him as a cliche. I am so tired of those cliche attached to Flynn, such as womanizer, etc. Flynn deserved much better than these type of interpretation.

  6. rswilltell

    May 9, 2014 at 6:56 pm


    I have to agree with you. I checked my Satellite movie guide and could find no reference to Last Of Robin Hood among the movies telecast in May 2014. How he saw it I do not know but he did?
    Ralph Schiller