Lets go back in time when the movie years were golden. There was no Television and nearly everyone went to the movies on a weekly basis to see their favorite movie stars. It was an important time in motion picture history. It was an exciting time for all of the fans to see the stars on the big screen. Here… (more…)

”THE DAWN PATROL” (1938) airplane found while being restored.

I came across an article of the discovery of a ”N28 WW1 aircraft ”Hero” used by Errol Flynn in the movie ”THE DAWN PATROL”. While it didn’t actually fly, there are numerous scenes where we can see Flynn climbing in and out of the plane and the plane taxiing with Flynn inside (probably being pushed on the ground). Used in… (more…)


Both Warner Bros contract stars and good friends Errol Flynn and Alexis Smith were loaned out to MGM to star in different films in 1949: Flynn in, ”THAT FORSYTE WOMAN” and Alexis in, ”ANY NUMBER CAN PLAY”. While there they would meet in the commissary, They found few people would talk or say hello to them. They were surprised how… (more…)

”OBJECTIVE BURMA” (1945) Dick Erdman interview on Errol Flynn.

Dick (Richard) Erdman (born on June 1, 1925) ”Actor Richard Erdman Remembers Errol Flynn, An Interview” (March, 2010). Interview: Q: One of your most famous war films you made is ”Objective, Burma!” (1945). A: Yes. That was one of the first really brutal war pictures; it broke a lot of ground. Raoul Walsh directed it. Q; I like it because… (more…)

”NORTHERN PURSUIT” (1943) FLYNN’S final lines had audiences laughing.

In 1943 Errol Flynn was accused of statutory rape and made the front pages of not only the gossip columns but all news papers. He would be acquitted of all charges. His star status actually increased from the publicity. All 4 of his films in 1942-43 were highly successful earning over 2 million dollars per film. But, for the first… (more…)

”IT’S A GREAT FEELING” (1949) FLYNN makes funny cameo appearance.

Doris Day plays a waitress in the Warner Bros. Commissary wanting to be an actress in movies but decides to give it all up and returns home to Goerkes Corner, Wisconsin to marry long-time sweetheart Jeffrey Bushdinkle who turns out to be Errol Flynn. A highly entertaining and funny film in Technicolor.   — Kevin Wedman

”THAT FORSYTE WOMAN” (1949) Greer Garson reflected.

“His life was one of highs and lows, and he burned himself out much too soon. In thinking of him, let us remember, above all, that to millions of people the world over he brought exhilarating and joyous entertainment, and lifted their imagination and their spirits out of the doldrums and tensions of day-to-day living with a glorious vision of… (more…)

”THE ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN” (1948) Final scene. Cameo by Nora Eddington.

    — Kevin Wedman


”He was one of the wild characters of the world, but he had a strange, quiet side. He camouflaged himself completely. In all the years I knew him, I never really knew what lay underneath and I doubt if many people did.” –Ann Sheridan on Errol Flynn. — Kevin Wedman

Errol Flynn visits Olivia de Havilland and Black Kitten while Filming Different Movies

This is an interesting and touching photo that shows Olivia and Errol’s friendship was strong beyond working on the same films. Here Olivia is filming ”THE STRAWBERRY BLONDE”, while Errol visits her from his filming ”FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK.” (1941). — Kevin Wedman