This is extremely rare because it is autographed to his parents and reveals how he felt about how it was handled by the publishers…

— David DeWitt
This is extremely rare because it is autographed to his parents and reveals how he felt about how it was handled by the publishers…
— David DeWitt
Hello, everybody! We should begin to move the blog to our WordPress install during the next calendar week! I will let you know what happens next. Our present location will remain accessible until March 31st for use as reference for any work we may do to preserve attachements which will be lost on every post ever made here. It is unfortunate but this is what would happen no matter where we moved the blog to.
There are some very valuable attachments on this blog and I hope that we can save them!
I will explain how to reach this blog after we are moved. But moving alone isn’t the end of the work that must be done. All of our galleries, as I understand it, will become posts in the new location. So these will have to be reorganized into galleries.
We will lose all names associated with comments and posts, too, I believe. Horrid. But unavoidable!
These can be added back in, a painstaking process.
And we will lose all memberships! Each of you will have to sign up again at the new location. That shouldn’t be much of a problem.
The migration takes a couple of days to finish. I will keep everybody posted about what is going on but if the blog seems to be down or missing this weekend it is likely because it is in this transition period. I do not yet know what domainmonger will tell me is the url of our current blog after the transfer – our domain name is also being transferred.
You may see a temporary site if you type in the name of our blog at some point next week!
I will have to redo all of our settings in the control panel. And take advantage of some new things we will be able to have running at our new location. There are a lot of plugins available to WordPress users!
We knew this was coming for a long time and finally, the day is fast approaching…
I know we will pull together and go on our merry way after this is transition is finished!
Hugs, d~
— David DeWitt
Attached please find the February issue of the Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter, “Docklines”.
Dale B. Westin
General Manager
Errol Flynn Marina
Box 188 Ken Wright Drive
Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica
Phones: 876- 993-3209; 876-715-6044
Fax: 876-715-6033 SKYPE: Westin8
Cellular: 876-832-4765
— David DeWitt
When we move The Errol Flynn Blog to WordPress which will be soon… there are some things to consider, according to Domainmonger Support. Please read this over carefully! There will be some difficulties to overcome and we will overcome them… There is both good news and bad in the support reply I received.
The worst bad news is that it is difficult to move comments over to our new home at WordPress! Since this is an essential part of our blog's lifeblood, we are going to move them, irregardless. Please read through this reply to see what difficulties lay ahead and we will figure out how to overcome them before we put an oar in the water or a unfurl a sail…
This is what I received from support:
The problem is with the Blogware export file unfortunately so this
issue would happen whether you move your Blogware site to WordPress or any
other hosting service. Therefore, you can request, and in fact we suggest, that
we do not migrate comments from your Blogware blog to your new WordPress-based
URL Redirection – You are currently hosting on your own
domain name, so, we will be able to redirect your original Blogware URLs to
your new WordPress URLs so not only will all your old links continue to work,
but you will main your current Google ranking.
All files uploaded to your blog’s File Manager will be
migrated. So if you have uploaded images to accompany your blog articles for
example, we’ll move those images to your new WordPress account.
What will not be migrated?
The layout or Color Scheme for your blog will not be
preserved. The WordPress Theme format is completely different from the Blogware
Color Scheme format, so you will have to choose a new look for your blog. The
good news is that in WordPress there are thousands of free themes available at
the WordPress Themes Directory, or you can create your own custom theme.
Sidebar components are not migrated. If you have created
any custom components for your blog sidebar, you would need to recreate them on
your new WordPress blog using WordPress’ Widgets feature. Neither custom
components nor Favorites components are migrated.
Attachments are not migrated unfortunately as they are
not exposed by the Blogware migration tools. If you have added attachments to
your articles, they will not be migrated to your new account. Trackbacks are not migrated.
Blog Settings are not migrated. Since the Blogware
system and WordPress system are so different, it is not possible to take any of
the settings for your Blogware blog and simply migrate them to your new
WordPress blog. Please check out this excellent guide to WordPress
Administration Settings for information on configuring the Settings of your new
WordPress blog.
Web Pages are not migrated. If you have any Web Pages, a
special type of post which is not dated, you will need to re-create them using
the analogous Pages feature in WordPress.
Permissions are not migrated. Category settings and
permissions work very differently in WordPress, and we are unable to apply any
of the permissions in your Blogware blog to your WordPress-based PressHarbor
User accounts are not migrated. So if you have users
with permissions to your current Blog, those user accounts will not exist on
the new WordPress site. You will need to reconfigure your site using the
WordPress Roles and Capabilities framework.
– Domainmonger Support
This means that all current members will have to rejoin The Errol Flynn Blog, once it has been moved. You will be able to find the blog using the same URL as it has now:… when it has been moved and is ready for shipmates, again!
At this point, I am as new to all of this as you reading this. I hope there will some expert advice over at WordPress about how to reassign comments to their original owners! And about how to keep our attachments which are so vital to some of our posts!
I will be writing to WordPress for some advice regarding all of this! Nothing is happening immediately, but it will happen soon from the sound of things…
— David DeWitt
A very rare copy of Errol Flynn's novel “Showdown” exists which was signed by Errol Flynn to his parents in May of 1946. The book was a gift to Marguerite Gauron of Port Antonio, Jamaica, by Flynn's widow, Patrice Wymore and is now about to be sold privately.
My friend writer and editor Dennis Mullen who recently returned from a trip to Jamaica and met both Pat Wymore and Marguerite Gauron while working at the Errol Flynn Marina doing some rebranding and editing work has been given the go ahead to offer this extremely rare autographed book for sale and he expects the book to sell for up to ten thousand dollars…
Inquiries may be sent to:
I will provide Dennis phone number to anybody who is interested in more details!
Email me at: za************@gm***.com
— David DeWitt
Our great friend Karl Holmberg shares his research into Errol Flynn's Lost Radio Recording in the attached Word document! Great work, Karl!
A whole INTENDED (8-21 programs) series of “THE MODERN ADVENTURES OF CASANOVA” – circa 5/22/52 (based on information contained in a letter, with MGM letterhead, for sale on internet). Only
one episode was made or has survived entitled “THE MISSING ARM OF VENUS
DE MILO”. Also referred to as “JAMACIA” under University of Memphis
radio archives. Flynn apparently headed for Europe sometime after
recording of this program in NYC (in addition to 3 Toast of the Town
appearances) where Crossed Swords, illness, and William Tell were to
ultimately face him. And, given the events of the aforementioned, I do
not believe that Flynn had the “inclination” to come back and complete
the terms of his Casanova contract (dated 11/15/51) and record any
additional programs.
— David DeWitt