Errol Flynn's Lost Rexordings – Karl Holmberg

Our great friend Karl Holmberg shares his research into Errol Flynn's Lost Radio Recording in the attached Word document! Great work, Karl!

Ahoy David-
read with keen interest the various exchanges on Flynn radio
appearances at the blog. 2 “lost” related programs came up in your
discussion to which I can highlight with some additional information and
then conclusions (since you never know what is gonna turn up to either further support or refute) of a few years back . I also attach some additional info on the “other losts” if you are so inclined to share them because remember…

A whole INTENDED (8-21 programs) series of “THE MODERN ADVENTURES OF CASANOVA” – circa 5/22/52 (based on information contained in a letter, with MGM letterhead, for sale on internet). Only
one episode was made or has survived entitled “THE MISSING ARM OF VENUS
DE MILO”. Also referred to as “JAMACIA” under University of Memphis
radio archives. Flynn apparently headed for Europe sometime after
recording of this program in NYC (in addition to 3 Toast of the Town
appearances) where Crossed Swords, illness, and William Tell were to
ultimately face him. And, given the events of the aforementioned, I do
not believe that Flynn had the “inclination” to come back and complete
the terms of his Casanova contract (dated 11/15/51) and record any
additional programs.

“Bill Stern Sports Newsreel”  NOTE: Announced for next 4 weeks beginning on 7/02/48, #453, John Garfield subs, then  F.Sinatra, W.Powell, and  Errol Flynn.  (Following
the order- Garfield: 7/2, Sinatra: 7/9, Powell: 7/16, and Errol Flynn:
7/23. BUT- extant recordings say for show # 456, 7/23/48, Jimmy Stewart
subs, and NO OTHER LISTINGS FOR FLYNN- not even as guest. Therefore, Flynn never substituted

Best, Karl

— David DeWitt

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