Island Cruise Quiz

Circa August 16, 1946, the Zaca was in the waters surrounding this island. What island is it?

Two new names came into the world and history of Errol because of Zaca’s trip to this island. What were those two names??

10PM EST – Clue No. 2 – A VERY BIG CLUE:

A Half Hour Past Midnight EST or so:

Monday, August 17, ~ 6PM EST:

Here’s a couple more Cruise Clues. Though physically very small, they are very big quiz clues – even bigger quiz-wise than the elephant seal and fur sea lion above:

Tuesday, August 18 – 10:30AM:

Wednesday – August 19 – ~ 3:10 AM:

The island is infamous for its huge and destructive goats. Here is an old photo of a couple:

— Tim

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