Robin Hood in Munich

Okay, so the title may be a bit misleading but I did want to share this. There is an annual festival of classic music at Odeonsplatz here in Munich which usually features, well, classic music. This year, however, it showcased classic movie scores and „The Adventures of Robin Hood“ was among them – much to my surprise as you rarely… (more…)

Tracing Errol‘s Footsteps on Mallorca

Hello dear Flynnthusiasts, I was fortunate enough to spend a bit over a week on Mallorca this month and, besides admiring the spectacular scenery and fascinating history, visited some of the places connected to our man Flynn. First and foremost I spent a night at the Hotel Maricel (couldn‘t afford more) where Errol stayed several times. Of course it has… (more…)

In Errol‘s Footsteps on Mallorca

Hello fellow Flynnthusiasts, I will be spending a bit over a week on Mallorca in March and would love to check out some places that Errol visited or stayed at. I already booked a room at the Hotel Maricel for one night (that‘s about as much as my budget will allow). Would have loved to stay at the Bon Sol… (more…)

Juliette Greco dies aged 93…… PARIS: Legendary French singer Juliette Greco has died aged 93 after a career spanning over half a century, her family told AFP. “Juliette Greco died this Wednesday surrounded by her family in the house she loved so much. Her life was one like no other,” her family said in a statement. “She was still making French songs shine at… (more…)

French Flynn

I just came across two French interviews with Le Flynn – thought you might enjoy them. How thrilling to hear him speak French!…… — Claudia