Figure This Quiz!

The following three sets of measurements were recorded as belonging to three Hollywood stars circa 1942. One set belonged to the mighty Flynn. Which set was it? To whom did the other two sets belong to??

Thank you to one of the world’s best Flynn researchers for finding these figures! Very few measure up to him!

Irish blood in all three.

All worked for Warners.

One was a star before Errol and later married a good friend of Errol. He, though, was not a good friend to Errol – likely out of bitter envy because he did not generate the sparks or voltage Errol did, either with women or on screen. In fact, even his wife liked Errol more than she liked him.

The other was a friend to Errol, but played enemies of him in two films. He became a big star after Errol did.

— Tim

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