Mail Bag! Errol Reichow: Don’t Hesitate to Live Fully!

01 May

The Mailbag brings us a great photo and story from Errol Reichow:

Greetings Mr. DeWitt,

Another contribution to your blog as I sift through the memories of my father. Flynn once quoted “We fritter our lives away in endless details but I plan to live it” and he did. My dad once said to me that Flynn had just come back from visiting a doctor, he had various ailments later in life, and the doctor said if you quit drinking you could have a few more years to which Errol said “I take the drinking and another good 6 months”. My father also mentioned that Flynn kind of burned out on live and said to him “I’ve seen everything twice so what does it matter”. We all have our highs and lows so with it goes our attitudes but better to test the ends of the spectrum then ride the middle of the fence because for many that just doesn’t get it done.

One last note, this past Friday I visited an old family friend (Gloria Zomar) and as we talked she had an interesting story. She meet Flynn, through my father, down at the Garden of Allah and Errol just had a chiropractor work on his back as my mom, dad, and Gloria waited in the other room and they could hear the groans as Errol got adjusted. Then Errol came out in a terry cloth rope  and engaged in conversation and proceeded to ask Gloria out for a date. Gloria accepted and was very nervous and she let Flynn drive her old Pink Cadillac to some spread in the Valley for a party where Errol spent most of the time talking to a producer about an upcoming film. Gloria was so nervous she didn’t say two words the whole evening and when they went home Flynn invited her in for a tottie and she said no, guess he had a reputation. My dad ask Errol the next day how it went and Errol said she doesn’t like me as she didn’t talk all evening. The fact is she was so nervous she didn’t know what to do or how to act. So, I gather the moral of the story is speak up and live a little because if you don’t do it now there may never be a next time.


This picture is from the old Frascati restaurant that was on the Northwest corner of Crescent Heights and Sunset Bl, across the street from the Garden of Allah. In it is Errol ( back of head), Mickey Rooney, Nora Eddington, Beverly Aadland, and Otto Reichow (my father) – I do not know the folks in the upper right hand corner.

Hope the shot is worthy of a post on your site and if so send me the link or save it for another day but then again better to live for today then wait for tomorrow.

 Thanks’ Errol!

— David DeWitt


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  1. David DeWitt

    The Real Person!

    Author David DeWitt acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    May 1, 2016 at 2:58 pm

    Here is another great photo of Errol and Laura and Otto Reichow taken in Majorca or Mallorca, says Errol Reichow, Otto’s son. Errol, we thank you again!


  2. twinarchers

    The Real Person!

    Author twinarchers acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    May 1, 2016 at 11:37 pm

    Fantastic, thanks

    • rswilltell

      The Real Person!

      Author rswilltell acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      May 2, 2016 at 12:57 pm

      Great work Errol Reichow. Ralph Schiller

  3. timerider

    The Real Person!

    Author timerider acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    May 2, 2016 at 3:25 pm

    I think Errol drank for pleasure and for the pain! It’s called self medicated,LOL! My dad did the same. From all angles Errol in his 40’s is my dad’s twin. I remember another photo from a different angle taken at this occasion a frontal view. I just don’t have it handy right now but it may be on the site somewhere.
    Joe Yule looks great and what a long life he had!

  4. Gentleman Tim

    May 2, 2016 at 3:54 pm

    Thanks so much, Errol. This is great! Awesome photos and wonderful inside info.

    Looks like Mickey Joe Yule and Nora Eddington Flynn may be having an interchange of some sort.

    Can you imagine seeing Errol Flynn driving a Pink Cadillac through the Valley!

  5. tassie devil

    The Real Person!

    Author tassie devil acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    May 3, 2016 at 4:19 am

    Thank you so much for this I really enjoyed it. Genene