Mail Bag! Rory Flynn and Crossed Swords!

Here is a note sent to me from Rory who asks that we on the blog may be able to offer this writer some help with his book project:

Hello Rory,
I am writing a book about the movie “Crossed Swords” ( 1953) by Milton Krims shot in Cinecittà in Rome and Castle Lancellotti of Lauro (my hometown) with Errol Flynn and Gina Lollobrigida. I would like to know if you have information , documents and photos d’archive useful for reconstructing history .
Waiting for an answer, i send heartfelt greetings.

Vincenzo Castaldo (journalist)

If you have any info, sources, or other helpful information for this author please let me know via the blog’s email address, or publish it here in a reply and I will forward it to Vincenzo!

You may rate a mention in the book’s credits for your contribution …

— David DeWitt

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