Happy Baz-Day


Dear fellow Flynn fans,

Errol`s congenial counterpart`s birthday shan`t be forgotten. Yesterday he would have turned 123.

In the book “Basil Rathbone: His Life and His Films” a vintage Errol-on-a-role episode is recalled:

The Rathbones gained a reputation for throwing lavish (and expensive!) parties, which the biggest stars in Hollywood attended. At one such party Errol Flynn got drunk, followed a young lady home and passed out on her living room sofa. Later that night, the woman’s father brought the unconscious Flynn back to the Rathbone’s house and dumped him on the lawn. “The next morning, Basil and Ouida were having breakfast on the patio, when the gardener turned on the sprinklers. Who should spring up from the grass, but a hung-over Errol Flynn. The Rathbones sat–mouths agape–as Errol bid them a cheery ‘Good morning,’ then departed for home.”

Here is another worthwhile recount of their encounters:

Flynn & Rathbone – the perfect duelists



— shangheinz

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