Update on “Abdul The Damned”

I just received the movie DVD “Abdul The Damned” and it really looks like very much so that Errol was an “Extra” in this movie made in 1934/35.  I would say that I definitely recognized Errol three times as an Extra. Sadly the credits do not list the movie production company where one could inquire to the absolute fact.

It is a good movie and I liked it very much, but it had two more surprised in addition to Errol..
Patric Knowles is in the movie and not on the bottom of the credits – he is in the middle. He plays OMAR, Hilmi Pasha’s Attache and he has one speaking line “But he can abdicate” very close at the end of the movie.
I wonder if Errol and Patric knew each other already in England???
The other surprise – the heroin played by Adrienne Ames, a very beautiful actress, was Bruce Cabot‘s wife from 1933 to 1937 and it says that it was a stormy marriage.
What a small world the acting community actually is or was it just in those days?
That’s all for today!

— Tina

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