Reed/McQueen — Flynn!

Maybe a little off-topic but we get to Flynn in the end! An amusing little tale I saw on another forum. The topic was arrogant film stars and Steve McQueen was mentioned and his infamous meeting with Oliver Reed.   If its any consolation, Ollie Reed once threw up on him in a nightclub From the autobiography of George MacDonald… (more…)

Magazines (For Tina and Inga)

Hello Ladies, There are a couple of posts in the magazine section where the comments aren't enabled. I have the magazines and am happy to give more details but can't post comments. — themainflynnman

Foreword – ??

Good morning: Maybe this belongs in the quiz section but I'd prefer to put it out in the main section; the sentiment deserves a wider audience.I recently read a very good biography of one of my favourite actors and the opening foreword to the book, I found especially moving (especially in a biography of an actor). The writer of the foreword… (more…)

Quiz Question: If I may? Who Am I?

Hey Guys, I don't normally participate, mainly because my knowledge on Flynn is pretty limited but I do have a question. Who Am I? I was born in Boston, Massachussets, the youngest of three brothers; all of whom worked in the movie industry. I made close to 200 films during a very varied career and worked with Errol Flynn.My middle name… (more…)

Errol Flynn: The Legend

Has anyone else come across this interesting little documentary from 1979? It is narrated by Robert Vaughan and while the content is hardly new it does show quite a few interesting photographs that I hadn't seen before. It also features quite detailed footage of Errol in London on the 'In Town Tonight' programme looking for funds for William Tell. All-in-all… (more…)


Can anyone give me any information on this photograph? It was listed on e-bay a few months ago, I bid on it but the price went way above what I would actually pay. best wishes, Brian. — themainflynnman

I Know Where I'm Going

This is a little off-topic in regards to Errol Flynn but I assume all here at the blog love 'old' movies. I just wanted to alert those in the US who have access to TCM that 'I Know Where I'm Going' will be airing on Wednesday 29th June at 8.00pm.…… For those who haven't seen this…. please try and catch it.… (more…)

More clippings —

Hopefully with a more positive outlook than the last batch. I found the Erben one particulary fascinating, trouble just seemed to follow Doc Erben around. I spent a few hours the other night going through all these newspaper clippings (something I have been meaning to do for a while now) I had intentionally set aside an hour to do this… which very… (more…)

Flynn Clippings (UK)

Hello fellow bloggers, I'd like to begin this post by sending all my best wishes and prayers to Jack Marino's wife Louise and of course to Jack and his family. Prayers and best wishes also to our beloved administrator and overseer of this wonderful blog David. I haven't had time to get to the internet much in the past few weeks but both… (more…)

Friends of Errol Flynn

Here are a few sample pages of one of the issues of 'The Friends of Errol Flynn' fanzine. best wishes, Brian. — themainflynnman