Here is an article that I just found about Errol from the Stars and Stripes archive…….
— Mary Ann
Here is an article that I just found about Errol from the Stars and Stripes archive…….
— Mary Ann
I have found this article about Errol with Fidel Castro called: “Film Star with a cause” and here is the link to it…..
— Mary Ann
I found this article about when Errol, cast, and others came to premiere the movie “Dodge City” in Dodge City, KS in 1939:
DODGE CITY, Kansas — The year 1939 is considered by most experts to be the greatest year in the history of movies. There were such classics as “Gone with the Wind”, “Wizard of Oz” and “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” along with many others. There were also a number of very good movies, one of which helped to make Dodge City, Kansas, the focal point of the midwest and much of the country for a couple of days in April of 1939.
The movie was “Dodge City”, starring Errol Flynn and Olivia DeHavilland. Dodge City and the state of Kansas lobbied hard to convince Warner Brothers to open the movie in the town for which it was named. Jack Warner agreed and it led to one of the biggest days in Kansas history. At the time, it was only the second movie opening ever held outside Hollywood.
Warner Brothers went all out, sending a trainload of studio stars, including Flynn, to Kansas for the opening.
Noel Ary is former director of the Kansas Heritage Center in Dodge City and 88- year-old Luis Sanchez is a former mayor who was there that day as a 15 year old.
Ary talks of the unprecedented spotlight shone on Dodge City: “It attracted the attention of people from all over the country. All the major New York newspapers were represented by reporters.”
In addition to that, NBC Radio did five live broadcasts from Dodge City over that weekend, and Life Magazine put together a lengthy picture spread circulated around the country.
When the train rolled in, among the thousands at the Dodge City depot was 15-year-old Luis Sanchez, who talked his way onto the train to meet movie stars and get autographs.
“I hadn’t seen any movie stars”, says Sanchez, “and I figured here’s a trainload of them. Now’s the chance. You better take advantage of it.”
Among the stars on hand were such names as John Payne, John Garfield, Jane Wyman, Ann Sheridan and a man who would become to many the greatest movie star of all: Humphrey Bogart.
But that was in the future. In 1939, none of those names was even close to Errol Flynn (Miss DeHavilland could not make the trip). To understand how big Flynn was in 1939 just think George Clooney and Brad Pitt, combined. Flynn was simply one of the top handful of movie stars in the world.
“He was a swashbuckler. He was a good looking guy, he was tall and he played the part well,” says Ary. “He fit everybody’s dream, he really did. He played the part of hero and ladies’ man the way you thought it should be played.”
Following the greeting at the train station, complete with a live, nationwide broadcast, there was a one mile parade with thousands of people lining the streets. It included all the stars who were there, governors of three states, floats and a marching band. The parade ended at the new stadium just south of downtown where there was a rodeo and more.
“They had a wedding”, says Sanchez. “And Errol Flynn was the best man and Ann Sheridan was the maid of honor. The place was packed. It was packed.”
And as much as anything, that was the story of the day: the crowds. No one can say for sure, but most agree that about one-hundred thousand people showed up in a town of ten thousand. Pictures and film of that day showed wall-to-wall people at the train station, the parade route and the stadium. For one day, it made Dodge City the second largest city in the state of Kansas.
That night, at three local theatres, the Dodge, the Cozy and the Crown, the movie premiered. It was a story of cattle drives, railroads, romance and cleaning up a rowdy town. It bore little resemblance to the actual history of Dodge City, but it’s fair to say no one complained. Had they been handing out Oscars in Dodge City on that day, the movie would have swept the awards.
The Dodge theatre still stands, refurbished but empty, standing now as mute testimony to a day when Hollywood came to Dodge City.
“Hollywood did well by Dodge City”, says Ary. “We’re gonna talk about it for a long time, at least as long as somebody remembers it. And we’d like to make sure nobody forgets.”
This is the link to this station’s website:…
— Mary Ann
Here is an article I have found and it is about the movie, “Green Light” and the radio adaptation of it also. It also tells about Olivia and her involvement in the radio adaptation of the movie. Here is the link to the site………
— Mary Ann
Last night, I found this Movie Ad for Errol’s movie, “The Perfect Specimen” from 1937.
Here is the link to the site…………
— Mary Ann
Here are my 2 favorite images of Errol from the April 25, 1947 photo shoot……………
Why I like the both of these is that it is the same background and he is wearing the same dark shirt on both of these photos. His hair is wavy on both of these photos and with the widest, whitest smile in the world.
— Mary Ann
Here is a article I just came across today on the internet that a team from Australia named a team after Errol’s cat. I think this is cool to have a sports team named after Errol’s cat, Bes Mudi.
The team’s name is Bes Mudi Bandits and here is the link to the page…..
— Mary Ann