‘Bacall package’ sold by Flynn for March of Dimes

Here is an article that I just found about Errol from the Stars and Stripes archive…….


Stars and Stripes
Published: February 5, 1954

FRANKFURT — Errol Flynn brought the house down tonight as he auctioned off a Lauren Bacall “surprise package” at a March of Dimes benefit.

At the EUCOM Hq-sponsored affair at the Casino, Flynn said, “I can’t tell the contents. (Bacall’s husband, Humphrey) Bogart forbids disclosure.”

Flynn was master of ceremonies at an informal show in which his actress wife, Patrice Wymore, and dark-haired film star Olga San Juan participated. All three donated their services.

The three arrived from Rome this afternoon via a 7167th Special Air Mission Sq C47 piloted by Capt Keith D. Hicks of Albuquerque, N.M., and with Capt A. T. Neiss of Wayzata, Minn., as copilot.

In addition to the surprise package, Flynn also raffled off photos of movie stars. Two airline tickets also were distributed as a door prize.

The crowd, estimated by to management at more than 900, jammed the main ballroom to watch the star-studded cast and listen to music supplied by the Air Force’s “Sky Tones.”

The Flynns brought along their 15-week-old daugther, Arnelia.

Cal George G, Garton, secretary of the Joint Staff, EUCOM Hq, won the door prize airline tickets and immediately offered them to be raffled off at the polio benefit.


Actor Errol Flynn poses with a beer mug and alpine hat as he arrives at the Rhein-Main airport in February, 1954. GEORGE PENN/STARS AND STRIPES

Actor Errol Flynn poses with a beer mug and alpine hat as he arrives at the Rhein-Main airport in February, 1954.




— Mary Ann

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