The Story of William Tell (plus) September 2, 1953, to End of Year!

10 Feb

    Part 4 finale:

Flynn’s troubles with producing his film about William Tell continue. An Italian court and local police are now involved for non-payment of a large variety of bills. Flynn then begins his quest to find investors to complete the picture.

Errol’s most positive highlight of this year is the birth of his daughter.

He will continue for years to come to find a way to get his William

Tell story produced …but to no avail.

All that is left is approximately 25+ minutes of Cinemascope color film, with no sound, in storage in film cans in Boston, Mass.

“It would have been a great film,” commented actor Roddy McDowall after viewing the tranche of the picture.

— Topper


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  1. Ralph Schiller

    February 17, 2024 at 4:16 pm

    Topper, there are several heartbreaks in Errol Flynn’s career. You cover the “William Tell” disaster better than anyone. Another heartbreak was “The White Witch Of Rosehall”. Flynn hired perhaps Hollywood’s finest screenwriter James Edward Grant to write the screenplay based on the novel and the legend. While making “The Sun Also Rises: he even got Ava Gardner interested in playing the title role! This was potentially a blockbuster film especially after the big success of Twentieth Century Fox’s “Island In The Sun” based on another bestseller. Ava Gardner would have been perfect! Where is that screenplay today?