Top’s Trivia! Errol Flynn Cameos!

There has always been great speculation about Flynn’s three supposed cameos: 1944 ,he was “seen” as a walk-on in Lady From Shanghai.

In 1946, he, and Alexis Smith, “did a cameo” in the film Always Together,and in 1951, while in France, he was “in the crowd” in Pardon My French.

These three un-credited examples will continue to baffle Flynn fans.

But…without a cameo appearance … Flynn has been referred to directly in another
picture. I present a single screengrab from the 1952, Crosby and Hope comedy, Road to Bali. To appreciate the reference, may I suggest, finding the film (was on YouTube) and watching
it from 17:05 minutes into the film to approximately 17:55 minutes. It all makes silly sense.


— Topper

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