


Dear Flynnstones,

Signor Leo Garin is the James Webb telescope for all Flynn fans interested in the unfinished film about William Tell. His laser sharp reminiscences go back way back to 1953, when Errol first came to dinner to his parents` hotel “L`Auberge de la Maison” situated in Entreve, a little outside of Courmayeur. Our man Flynn sported long and weavy hair at the time and exuded an aura of eager anticipation. Leo dedicates a small chapter of his family biography book “Construire le passé” (Re-constructing the past) to the unflynnished business surrounding the filming of Tell in Valle d`Aosta. He even gives away the whereabouts of the seized costumes and weaponery. As far as the new found reels and movie camera are concerned (Flynn`s footsteps- in the Will Tell town of Courmayeur « The Errol Flynn Blog), we are aware that there is an appleshot`s chance that some material will surface on them. But like another successful sport once put it: “You are missing 100% of the shots you don`t take…”


— shangheinz

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