Not Cabot

Dear Flynnstones,

while watching HATARI in honour of the late Hardy Krüger, an eye opening episode ensued. And I think every true flynnmate will get a chuckle out of it. This movie whose desert road was paved by the likes of King Solomon‘s Mines and The Roots of Heaven also features Bruce “Et tu, Brutus!?“ Cabot. He gets horned by a rhino right in the beginning, but survives- for once he‘s the one being stiffed. Later there is a scene, when the delightful jumpy Red Buttons (the one who cost Errol his Academy Award) passes around a safari hat and asks all of the crew to chip in some money for a worthy cause. Each and every one does, except for…Cabot. I guess that‘s what you call  „staying in character“.


— shangheinz

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