Flynn`s footsteps- Harry, Peg & Paesano

Dear Flynnmates,

As some of his letters show Errol stayed at the Hotel Bauer when in Venice.

While its name literally means peasant, very few homini agricolae are encountered there, for it is one of the top spots to stay in the City of love.

The cubic building is only a gondola`s drive over the canal away from Peggy Guggenheim`s one story palace with its fine surrealistic art works and garden sculptures, a feast for an art lover like Flynn.

But their liaison dated back even further according to the bio Mistress of Modernism- The life of Peggy Guggenheim.

Harry`s Bar completes the bohemian triangle, of historic places our Hollywood hero visited:…

Arrigo (Italian for Harry) Cipriani`s culinary expertise secured him a  franchise outlet atop the Rockefeller Centre called the Rainbow Room. The family`s signature drink is the Bellini, made of white peaches and sparkling wine.


— shangheinz

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