Author Ralph Schiller acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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September 24, 2021 at 9:36 pm
David, In the middle photograph, the man on the far right with his hand on the ship’s wheel is actor Glenn Anders, who was so creepy and magnificent in the film “Lady From Shanghai” (1947), which dates the picture.
Author shangheinz acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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September 25, 2021 at 5:01 pm
RR, how about Betty Furness, Lupe Velez and (just) maybe a very young Beverly Tyler. Hard to tell with the headscarfs and sunglasses. Ro Flo for sure knows the names and numbers.
I think these pictures were taken 1-2 years prior to 44. The Flynn look sans stache put them around the time of Edge of Darkness. Lupe could be the girl in the first pic with the white trimmed dress, Betty F. the one with the glasses in the third. Beverly is a wild guess, since she was seen around town with Cabot and the girl with the white headband resembles her a little.
Author Ralph Schiller acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
September 26, 2021 at 5:51 pm
Heinz, I stand corrected. I made the assumption if the man in the middle picture is actor Glenn Anders then it was taken around the time of the filming of “Lady From Shanghai” (1947). You are right these pictures are from the early 1940’s when Errol was making either “Gentleman Jim” or “Edge Of Darkness”. Another Flynn scholar felt strongly that instead of Glenn Anders it was Bud Ernst. A check of pictures show that although the man resembles a younger Anders (who was greyer and a bit heavier when making Shanghai) the man in question is actually Henry Wilcoxon. It could be Lupe Velez, but Betty Furness is doubtful. She made her last Hollywood film in 1939 and then spent the rest of her career in New York City. Thanks for all this digging!
Author Karl acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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October 6, 2021 at 3:23 pm
Greetings fellow “Cruisers”!
Although this topic appears to be DITW (Dead In The Water)… have done a little poking around, both visually (and written word-ed-ly) and have this to offer IMhO:
Image 1: Flynn, of course is 3 in, as well as Guinn (to the far right).
Image 2: Betty Furness (“opposite” her future husband “Budd”), EF, Shirley Cohan (of North Hollywood, Maid of Honor to Bruce Cabot’s Best Man title at Gloria Vanderbilt’s Wedding*, 12/28/41), Hugh (Budd) Ernst, and Arno.
Image 3: Big Boy, Barbara Weeks (1st wife of Guinn), Betty, EF, Shirley, ? man, and profile of Ernst.
What could have been the “time” of this photo?
Some basic facts:
Lili files for divorce 5/11/1941. Lupe Velez passes 12/14/44.
Lupe could have been one of the lovely ladies but- if Guinn’s first wife was one…
* Remember that Flynn was an usher, hence- the “connection” to some of the women named above and suggests the photo occurred around the time of THIS event and, when you consider the high turnover rate in romantic encounters (12-14,000 by journey’s end)…
PS Getty images (which are not allowed here) contributed to MUCH of the IDs.
PPS I edited out a woman’s name previously cited as I was not correct in mentioning it. Also, a Flynn scholar shared with me another key date to add to this mystery and sets an upper date bounds to this photo;
Arno, his beloved companion passed on 7/13/41 and also, to add still another couple of dates- Flynn bought Zaca 9/28/37 and was sailing by April of the following year.
Author Karl acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
October 7, 2021 at 11:05 pm
Greetings fellow “Cruisers”!
Although this topic appears to be DOTW (Dead On The Water)… have done a little poking around, both visually (and written word-ed-ly) and have this to offer IMhO:
Image 1: Unidentified woman, Flynn, of course is 3 in, as well as Guinn (to the far right) with unidentified man hanging to the rigging.
Image 2: Betty Furness (“opposite” her future husband “Budd”), EF, Shirley Cohan (of North Hollywood, Maid of Honor to Bruce Cabot’s Best Man at Gloria Vanderbilt’s Wedding*, 12/28/41), Hugh (Budd) Ernst, and Arno.
Image 3: Big Boy, Barbara Weeks (1st wife of Guinn), Betty, EF, Shirley, ? man, and profile of Ernst.
What could have been the “time” of this photo?
Some basic facts:
Lili files for divorce 5/11/1941. Lupe Velez passes 12/14/44.
Lupe could have been one of the lovely ladies but- if Guinn’s first wife was one…
* Remember that Flynn was an usher, hence- the “connection” to some of the women named above and suggests the photo occurred around the time of THIS event and, when you consider the high turnover rate in romantic encounters (12-14,000 by journey’s end)…
PS Getty images (which are not allowed here) contributed to MUCH of the IDs.
PPS I edited out a woman’s name previously cited as I was not correct in mentioning it. Also, a Flynn SCHOLAR shared with me another key date to add to this mystery and sets an upper date bounds to this photo:
Arno, his beloved companion, passed on 7/13/41 and also, to add still another couple of dates- Flynn bought Sirocco 9/28/37 and was sailing by April of the following year… now THAT sets the upper LIMIT!
Author Ralph Schiller acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
October 15, 2021 at 2:18 pm
To all: I am convinced that Karl is right as rain about the people in the photos. I was wrong in that the man was neither Henry Wilcoxon or Glenn Anders but in fact was Betty Furness’ future husband, It appears she already caught his eye!
Air Bud nowadays would be accused of blackfacing in the first picture. He and his Betty actually were married twice and according to my knowledge she came from a very wealthy family. Before she had a career she was called the Steamboat heiress. Hold on RR, this case is far from closed, I think I see Dolores Del Rio in the third foto- do you copy!?
The Real Person!
September 24, 2021 at 2:39 pm
All of his friends were there: Big Boy, Bud Ernst and Arno!
The Real Person!
November 12, 2021 at 12:04 pm
Otto von Reichow pleading love and Ava smiling on?
The Real Person!
September 24, 2021 at 9:36 pm
David, In the middle photograph, the man on the far right with his hand on the ship’s wheel is actor Glenn Anders, who was so creepy and magnificent in the film “Lady From Shanghai” (1947), which dates the picture.
The Real Person!
September 24, 2021 at 10:13 pm
Thanks so much! Any idea who the lady is next to Errol?
The Real Person!
September 24, 2021 at 11:22 pm
David, I do recognize any of the beautiful women on his yacht.
The Real Person!
September 25, 2021 at 5:01 pm
RR, how about Betty Furness, Lupe Velez and (just) maybe a very young Beverly Tyler. Hard to tell with the headscarfs and sunglasses. Ro Flo for sure knows the names and numbers.
The Real Person!
September 25, 2021 at 6:56 pm
I think by the time these pictures were taken Lupe Velez was deceased.
The Real Person!
September 26, 2021 at 6:13 am…
I think these pictures were taken 1-2 years prior to 44. The Flynn look sans stache put them around the time of Edge of Darkness. Lupe could be the girl in the first pic with the white trimmed dress, Betty F. the one with the glasses in the third. Beverly is a wild guess, since she was seen around town with Cabot and the girl with the white headband resembles her a little.
The Real Person!
September 26, 2021 at 5:51 pm
Heinz, I stand corrected. I made the assumption if the man in the middle picture is actor Glenn Anders then it was taken around the time of the filming of “Lady From Shanghai” (1947). You are right these pictures are from the early 1940’s when Errol was making either “Gentleman Jim” or “Edge Of Darkness”. Another Flynn scholar felt strongly that instead of Glenn Anders it was Bud Ernst. A check of pictures show that although the man resembles a younger Anders (who was greyer and a bit heavier when making Shanghai) the man in question is actually Henry Wilcoxon. It could be Lupe Velez, but Betty Furness is doubtful. She made her last Hollywood film in 1939 and then spent the rest of her career in New York City. Thanks for all this digging!
The Real Person!
October 6, 2021 at 3:23 pm
Greetings fellow “Cruisers”!
Although this topic appears to be DITW (Dead In The Water)… have done a little poking around, both visually (and written word-ed-ly) and have this to offer IMhO:
Image 1: Flynn, of course is 3 in, as well as Guinn (to the far right).
Image 2: Betty Furness (“opposite” her future husband “Budd”), EF, Shirley Cohan (of North Hollywood, Maid of Honor to Bruce Cabot’s Best Man title at Gloria Vanderbilt’s Wedding*, 12/28/41), Hugh (Budd) Ernst, and Arno.
Image 3: Big Boy, Barbara Weeks (1st wife of Guinn), Betty, EF, Shirley, ? man, and profile of Ernst.
What could have been the “time” of this photo?
Some basic facts:
Lili files for divorce 5/11/1941. Lupe Velez passes 12/14/44.
Lupe could have been one of the lovely ladies but- if Guinn’s first wife was one…
* Remember that Flynn was an usher, hence- the “connection” to some of the women named above and suggests the photo occurred around the time of THIS event and, when you consider the high turnover rate in romantic encounters (12-14,000 by journey’s end)…
PS Getty images (which are not allowed here) contributed to MUCH of the IDs.
PPS I edited out a woman’s name previously cited as I was not correct in mentioning it. Also, a Flynn scholar shared with me another key date to add to this mystery and sets an upper date bounds to this photo;
Arno, his beloved companion passed on 7/13/41 and also, to add still another couple of dates- Flynn bought Zaca 9/28/37 and was sailing by April of the following year.
The Real Person!
October 7, 2021 at 11:05 pm
Greetings fellow “Cruisers”!
Although this topic appears to be DOTW (Dead On The Water)… have done a little poking around, both visually (and written word-ed-ly) and have this to offer IMhO:
Image 1: Unidentified woman, Flynn, of course is 3 in, as well as Guinn (to the far right) with unidentified man hanging to the rigging.
Image 2: Betty Furness (“opposite” her future husband “Budd”), EF, Shirley Cohan (of North Hollywood, Maid of Honor to Bruce Cabot’s Best Man at Gloria Vanderbilt’s Wedding*, 12/28/41), Hugh (Budd) Ernst, and Arno.
Image 3: Big Boy, Barbara Weeks (1st wife of Guinn), Betty, EF, Shirley, ? man, and profile of Ernst.
What could have been the “time” of this photo?
Some basic facts:
Lili files for divorce 5/11/1941. Lupe Velez passes 12/14/44.
Lupe could have been one of the lovely ladies but- if Guinn’s first wife was one…
* Remember that Flynn was an usher, hence- the “connection” to some of the women named above and suggests the photo occurred around the time of THIS event and, when you consider the high turnover rate in romantic encounters (12-14,000 by journey’s end)…
PS Getty images (which are not allowed here) contributed to MUCH of the IDs.
PPS I edited out a woman’s name previously cited as I was not correct in mentioning it. Also, a Flynn SCHOLAR shared with me another key date to add to this mystery and sets an upper date bounds to this photo:
Arno, his beloved companion, passed on 7/13/41 and also, to add still another couple of dates- Flynn bought Sirocco 9/28/37 and was sailing by April of the following year… now THAT sets the upper LIMIT!
The Real Person!
October 15, 2021 at 2:18 pm
To all: I am convinced that Karl is right as rain about the people in the photos. I was wrong in that the man was neither Henry Wilcoxon or Glenn Anders but in fact was Betty Furness’ future husband, It appears she already caught his eye!
The Real Person!
October 21, 2021 at 2:41 pm
Air Bud nowadays would be accused of blackfacing in the first picture. He and his Betty actually were married twice and according to my knowledge she came from a very wealthy family. Before she had a career she was called the Steamboat heiress. Hold on RR, this case is far from closed, I think I see Dolores Del Rio in the third foto- do you copy!?