Mail Bag! Marvelous Kirt Doke Errol Flynn Paintings!

Rory Flynn received an email from Kirk Doke and he has kindly allowed us to publish it here on the blog:

Dear Rory,

Congratulations on the publication your new book.  I purchased a copy of The Baron a couple of years ago and I enjoyed reading it very, very much.  Thank you for all of the hard work that you have conducted on your father’s behalf.  All Flynn fans are deeply indebted to you for your remarkable passion.

I read on the EF blog today that the Decker portrait of Errol Flynn was recently restored.  That is great news and I hope you enjoy the work very much.  Your father’s interest in art has always fascinated me.

Please find attached images of Errol Flynn that I have painted.  I am contacting you via a secure educational email system and this is not a solicitation.

For the last 35 years I have taught and exhibited art.  Before academia called, I was fortunate to work for a year in a movie memorabilia store in Greenwich Village.  It was there that I started collecting Errol Flynn items.

Five years ago, I retired from full time teaching and transitioned to part time, which now allows me more time to paint.  My goal is to produce a couple EF paintings per year, with ten now being close to exhibition form.  I enjoy touching them up now and then.

The main focus has been the swashbuckling movies and I am moving into the war and westerns next. The works are painted in acrylic on canvas and all paintings are 30″ x 48.”

I wish to keep the series intact, and they will not be offered commercially.

In a few years I will be contacting regional art centers and museums to exhibit a retrospective of my career and I plan to exhibit them at that time.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy my work.

Very Best,

Kirt G. Doke
M.A., M.A., M.F.A.
Adjunct Professor Art
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College

Mt. Pleasant, MI


— David DeWitt

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